Neebie ram tank!!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 17, 2011
Red Deer AB, Canada
Still Cycling my 29gal tank. I'm wanting to have a Ram tank but I'm not sure how I should stock it can I only have ram cichlids in the tank or will that cause problems?
You can do just a pair or trio of rams if you wish. You can easily have a school of tetras or rasboras with them if you want.
You can do just a pair or trio of rams if you wish. You can easily have a school of tetras or rasboras with them if you want.

Ok I was hoping to have an all cichlid tank. Could I have a few different species of rams? Or is there another cichlid option?
Welcome to the site.

Unfortunately, an all-ram tank just isn't going to work. I second Rich's suggestion for a pair or trio. The footprint of a 29 really isn't large enough to mix species if you're doing a pair or trio.

The only species of rams in the hobby that I know of are the blue ram (Mikrogeophagus/Papillochromis ramirezi) and the Bolivian ram (Mikrogeophagus/Papillochromis altispinosa). The different colors in the blue ram are just color variants of the same species. There are plenty of other dwarf cichlids, but they are not classified as rams and are in different genera.
a male dwarf cichlid can have up to a 24 inch territory so the only way you could have different rams is if you have a 55 gallon or more
The combo of three cichlids is not exactly the best duo. I regret buying three rams and keeping them in my tank. Two are males and one is female, the males keep fighting over the female and chasing each other out of their territory. If you were gonna get a trio, get one that's all females, it's much better. I'm moving the rams shortly.
In my opinion, I would rather start with keyhole cichlids. They're much more peaceable and versatile, although a 29 is kinda stretching their limits.
The combo of three cichlids is not exactly the best duo. I regret buying three rams and keeping them in my tank. Two are males and one is female, the males keep fighting over the female and chasing each other out of their territory. If you were gonna get a trio, get one that's all females, it's much better. I'm moving the rams shortly.
In my opinion, I would rather start with keyhole cichlids. They're much more peaceable and versatile, although a 29 is kinda stretching their limits.

The problem here is that you have a reverse trio in the tank. Trio refers to a 1M/2F ratio. Although I have personally had greater success with pairs, a trio is a much better bet IMO than a reverse trio.
Before I did that, I'd remove the extra male and just keep a pair. They're fascinating in pairs. :)
i bought the trio of rams when i first started. sadly the male died the day after i got them. since then, the females have been great together in my community tank. i have 2 mollys, 3 dwarf gourami's,3 x-ray tetras,4 glo fish, and 2 mm plattys and 2 south american bumblebee cat fish. the rams are great community fish as they are not aggressive with any of the other fish. they do chase each other sometimes but my tank is 41/2 feet long so they have plenty of room to swim! LOVE THOSE RAMS!
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