need advice on a new tankmate

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 22, 2011
i have a 45 gallon tank with a 8 inch snowflake eel, toby puffer fish, and a golden maroon clownfish. i have a cannister filter that filters up to 100 gallons and a powerhead with another filter attached along with a remora protein skimmer PLUS weekly water changes so dont tell me im over stocked because im not, so my question is im looking to add one more fish and i want it to be a fish that will sift my sand and eat the remaining food out of it, i know the gobies are good for this, but i was wondering if their was another fish that will be safe from snowflake eel that could do the same job?
so dont tell me im over stocked because im not,

Not to be rude but you might want to consider the tone of your posts. It is easy to send a message you don't intend to on forums and people may be less willing to help. It can be difficult to endure other people's criticisms on this site at times but try to keep in mind that every is just doing their best to help you out.

As for your new tankmate, I don't think putting a goby in with a snowflake is a good idea. Small fish that live on or near the sand are just waiting to be an eel snack. If you want to turn over your sand bed nasarius snail are good for that and they are great at cleaning up left over food. Your puffer may pick a few off but that is going to be your best chance and it will help that most of the time they will be under the sand so your puffer won't be able to get to them as often.
+1 on snails. Even if something lives for a while because your eel is small will eventually be eaten once the eel gets larger. Plus, I would think that fish would be really stressed out because of the eel.
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