Need help please! --- Green hair algae

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Okay just wondering cause I've had em in there for like a month and they're doing fine and actually growing. Know any plants that grow well and fast?

It depends on your lighting. Can you give specific watts and stuff, and types of bulbs?
Oh wow. Only 1 20W t8 bulb on a 36g? That's very low light... surprised you grew algae at all! Let's see... you're definitely going to want to look at low-light plants. Try for a full list!
Aww really?:( well I tried looking for a hood to attach two strip light but they don't have the size I'm looking for:/ and I thought it was a good choice cause my plants seem to be growing good. I have sword and anubias plants. I think that's what its called Haha and I can see Its already growing a new leaf.
If your plants are growing good, that's great! It's definitely surprising to me, but I guess it's not unheard of! =D
I guess when it comes to my fishies I'm pretty lucky:) Haha and if it helps the Kelvin thingy is 6700.
6700 is actually a good Kelvin for plants! So maybe that's why... do you know how many lumens there are?
Uhm can you tell me what that is, I don't wanna post something and look dumb:/
Haha, it's a measure of the visible brightness of the light. Sometimes it's not on the actual packaging but you might be able to find online.
Well it says here lumens and next to it it says 1470, if that's right?
1470, yeah. Wow! That's a pretty good lumen count for a 20W. Cool! Well, I'd still say it's a low-light setup, but there are probably a good number of plants you can choose from. Do you have any pics of your tank?
I can take one but I wouldn't know how to post em on here since I'm new and still learning:(
It's pretty simple. Just hit post reply (instead of doing a quick reply), then hit manage attachments, and browse and upload in the box that comes up.
I took some, not the best looking tank in the world but hey I'm still trying and getting there Haha and I took one of the little leaf that's growing on my anubias:]


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Haha, I like it, that's a sweet setup you have going there. =] Heard of root tabs?
Thank you!:) and yes, I'm using jungle root tabs for the swords. Hope those are any good?
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