Need help! Please with albino rainbow shark

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 24, 2014
My peacock eel recently has been picking on my albino rainbow shark because he hangs out in a cave that apparently the eel likes. Today I noticed the albinos mouth is swollen and red, I have never seen this before so I don't know if it got injured or if it is an illness. Please help!...

I got my water tested last week and everything was fine, I don't remember exactly water the numbers were. I am
Going again today to get my water tested to make sure everything is still ok, but I wanted to get some idea of what it could be.

Thank you in advance
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Sorry here is a picture, other than that he is acting normal... He has just been hiding a little more than usual.
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Sorry here is a picture, other than that he is acting normal... He has just been hiding a little more than usual.

Looks like some sort of illness, I find it incredibly hard to believe a Spiny Eel would do that.
He may have also hurt himself on your gravel, it looks sorta sharp and jagged. But if that were the case it should've happened earlier in life too.
Thank you...
Yes, I am worried it's an illness... I don't even know how to treat that.

I thought maybe he hurt himself running from the eel, I have 3 pieces of driftwood and rocks in my tank... I don't know whether to isolate him in a hospital tank or not...
Thank you...
Yes, I am worried it's an illness... I don't even know how to treat that.

I thought maybe he hurt himself running from the eel, I have 3 pieces of driftwood and rocks in my tank... I don't know whether to isolate him in a hospital tank or not...

I would definitely put him in the hospital tank for a week or so. It'll likely heal on it's own if In fact it's from the substrate. Which I'm pretty sure it is. Good luck!
I would definitely put him in the hospital tank for a week or so. It'll likely heal on it's own if In fact it's from the substrate. Which I'm pretty sure it is. Good luck!

Ok, thank you... Will do.

Thank you everyone also for your help
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