Need help quick!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 15, 2012
Hey everyone,
I really need help, I have two convict parents and about 60 little fry in my grow out tank. My friend had to get rid of his red top mdumbi fry which are about the same size as my convict fry. But the problem is that my grow out tank is being used and my main tank is full of hungry yellow labs and red zebras! So my question is, could I but the red top fry in with my convict family or would the mother and father kill the red top babies? Would they notice that they are different? Please help, I'm on my way home
They'd (meaning the red top fry) be killed...Convicts are incredibly aggressive when breeding/protecting fry.
I wasn't going to but my buddy HAD to get rid of the fry because his tank cracked. I didn't want the fish to end up in the toilet or turned into feeder fish. I always appreciate everyone's help, I love this forum :) I decided to put the parent convicts back in the main tank, so now my breeder tank has just fry.
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