Need help with Planted set-up

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RedNeck said:
Yea this is probally way to deep then:ermm: What kind of glue does everyone use?

You can use gel Super Glue or I tie mine with cotton thread, usually tan or brown. It rots off on its own. No issues. With glue, just use a small dab on the rhizome AFAIK.
well now I got a shopping list for today, haha. I need super glue and some small rocks and a timer for the tank (y)
Yea I'm going to do a piece on he other side that involes driftwood. I'm just going to look for little rocks that are just enough to hold them to the bottom...I want more plant then rocks and dw. I want to eventually take out the barrel decor. and red plant which will be replaced with a nice piece of dw, 3 or so smaller plants in the front and one nice sized one behind them. Then on the other side I would like to do a medium sized plant just by the filter intake tube. That should be enough plants for a little while:brows: got some little stones and tied the anubias to them with fishing line. Let me know if this is better then burried like before or if im still not right haha. Thanks for all the help everyone by the way! I'll keep ya updated on the progress(y)
RedNeck said: got some little stones and tied the anubias to them with fishing line. Let me know if this is better then burried like before or if im still not right haha. Thanks for all the help everyone by the way! I'll keep ya updated on the progress(y)

That will work. Just check the line as the plant grows. Once the roots have hold, cut the fishing line. You don't want the line to cut into the rhizome.
Sounds like a plan....I was going to go with super glue but reading the back of the tubes I got scared :hide:. The original said not to be submersed, the rest said how toxic it was...I figured I'll just tie it on :lol:. I think my next ones I am ordering up from greanleafaquariums. I want to do a anubias on dw, a java fern and amazon sword!
I have a 55gal planted tank and ordered Christmas moss from Malaysia and the moss can in brown any one know if it will recover I'm new to this site
Ok, so here is a list and possible placement. Let me know if this sounds stupid!
Im gonna remove the big red fake plant and replace it with anubias frazeri. to the immidiate left of it I was thinking Java Fern Lace. Up front next to the barrels I will put a Chain Sword "narrow leaf". Then back left corner, by filter intake tube, will get a Amazon sword(Echinodorus bleheri). I am open to any suggetions or concerns as I am very new to this!
RedNeck said:
Ok, so here is a list and possible placement. Let me know if this sounds stupid!
Im gonna remove the big red fake plant and replace it with anubias frazeri. to the immidiate left of it I was thinking Java Fern Lace. Up front next to the barrels I will put a Chain Sword "narrow leaf". Then back left corner, by filter intake tube, will get a Amazon sword(Echinodorus bleheri). I am open to any suggetions or concerns as I am very new to this!

Just buy or make root tabs for the Swords.

DIY Fert-Cicles.
Osmocote Plus from hardware store or nursery
+ Ice Tray
+ Tank Water

Fill trays 1/2 way with Fert
Fill trays with tank water

Bury deep under or near Crypts and Swords or struggling plants. You don't need to put one per plant. Space them about 6" apart I think ??

I use O+ in my tanks. Got a RAOK of O+ root caps, gel capsules. They work great.
Do I have to use root tabs or would using a product like api leaf zone or seachems flourish work too? Also I don't want to add too many chemicals and hurt the betta or snail:hide:
RedNeck said:
Do I have to use root tabs or would using a product like api leaf zone or seachems flourish work too? Also I don't want to add too many chemicals and hurt the betta or snail:hide:

Swords and Crypts are heavy root feeders. If you have enriched substrate then you can skip them. But sand I do use them. WON'T hurt you Betta or snail. I have super sensitive Crystal Red Shrimp and it didn't hurt anything.

I use Flourish and root tabs. You can buy or DIY them.
Ok, So I think I am going to stick with my plant list and get some root tabs and leaf zone. I can't wait to have all live plants in this tank! Im looking to upgrade the light in the 20gal. hex and maybe do a few anubias in that too!
Ok, So I think I am going to stick with my plant list and get some root tabs and leaf zone. I can't wait to have all live plants in this tank! Im looking to upgrade the light in the 20gal. hex and maybe do a few anubias in that too!

If you have a choice buy Flourish (comprehensive) instead...Leaf Zone only has two ingredients basically. Flourish has a bunch of stuff that plants can use.

Or later, look at dry Ferts...I'm still sticking to liquid for now. Dry is cheaper for large tanks, but a bit more complicated.
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