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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 11, 2014
I picked up this guy from my LFS, I know it's a peacock. What I'm looking for is, what kind of peacock is it? ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1401328076.444283.jpg
Looks like a sunshine benga, or Jacobfreibei yellow jake,

Or could be a chitande turquoise.

How big is it?
Sunshine Benga is my guess.
It's about 3 1/2 inches long, my other peacocks are giving him a hard time today.
Actually, looking at the anal fin, it's a Aulonocara chitande

There's a few different types of chitande's depending on location.

I'm thinking a turquoise, or masinje type.

Very rare find, very cool, and yes, will be a subdominant fish.
My guess was a benga lol, thanks squirrelah
Ohh! I do weekly maintenance.
Definitely having a case of pick on the new fish, he's getting bullied!
Definitely having a case of pick on the new fish, he's getting bullied!

That's pretty normal, usually lasts 1-3 days. Then they chill out, generally. I have fish fighting over dominance right now. It's frustrating.
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