Need positive vibes please

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severum mama

Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 11, 2004
I came home from work today and my BF met me at the door crying. He told me that a very close friend of ours had collapsed at work and was in the hospital in the critical care wing. He has some kind of aneurysm between the 2 frontal lobes and there is some hemhorraging and some other stuff I didn't really understand completely, we were all just kinda in shock when the doctor came in. I mean, I'm only 25 and our friend is only 24 and I've just never really thought about that sort of thing actually happening at our age (even though I know that it does). Anyway, my friend is sedated and the doctors are waiting on some test results to decide when to take him to surgery. :cry: They said he was doing really well for someone in that situation. We went and saw him tonight and it was pretty sad.

I would appreciate it if you all would send your most positive vibes his way. We've got friends lined up to stay with him 24/7 and my BF and I will be back over there tomorrow. :(
I am so sorry. I really hope he will be fine and have a full recovery. I shall pray for him.
Thats awful. I hope your friend is ok. I am sending you all my positive vibes! I hope he has a swift recovery.
Well, we didn't get any calls last night so I am assuming there is no change in his condition... no news is good news I guess. I'll be at the hospital later on and I'll keep you guys posted if I get to a computer today. Thanks so much for the good vibes and prayers.

Ok, weird question... does anyone know if you can donate long dreadlocks to Locks of Love? He's got a head full of phat dreads that the doctors will have to shave off for the surgery :( and he's told us in the past that if he ever had to shave them off he wanted to donate them.
Here are there guidelines. I'm guessing dred locked would be ok.

We accept 10" minimum hair length (tip to tip), not wigs, falls, or synthetic hair
Please bundle hair in ponytail or braid.
Hair needs to be clean, dry, placed in a plastic bag, then padded envelope.
We need hair from men and women, young and old, all colors and races.
Hair may be colored or permed, but not bleached or chemically damaged (if unsure, ask your stylist).
Hair swept off the floor is not usable.
Hair cut years ago is usable if it has been stored in a ponytail or braid.
Hair that is short, gray, or unsuitable for children will be separated from the ponytails and sold at fair market value to offset the cost of manufacturing.
You may pull curly hair straight to measure the minimum 10".
The majority of all hair donated comes from children who wish to help other children.
Layered hair may be divided into multiple ponytails for donation.
Please note: Anyone can cut your hair as long as the above guidelines are followed.
My husband donated his hair (14") when he finally decided to cut it off. It's a great organization.
Ditto on the good vibes. Hope he makes a full recovery.
We hung out at the hospital most of the day yesterday, and then I went over there today after going to a friend's wedding. He's in pretty good spirits, and they've been able to control the pain pretty well. He's doing even better today, he's been more alert and talking in complete sentences (the pain pills are making him kinda loopy), and he recognizes all of his friends and family, and he's still got his sense of humor. His girlfriend even got him to eat today. :D The neurosurgeon said that they might be able to do the surgery in a few days, but can't tell us for sure yet. It seems to me that he's in the best possible shape for being in a horrible situation, and we all have high hopes for his recovery. Thank you so much for the kind thoughts and prayers- I knew I could count on my AA friends. :D Keep sending those good vibes and I will keep you updated.
Sounds like he's doing well under the circumstances. My prayers remain with him and you.
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