Need some advice about stocking a 60gal

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 15, 2006
Hi, AA I never stocked a gallon this large so would like some advice. I currently have a bala shark and a cobalt blue gourami which I like to transfer from a 32 gal to this new 60 gal. So was thinking about this:

2 angels
1 bala shark (current) + 1 (new) (2 in all)
1 rainbow shark
1 pleco (still not decided about this one but most probably a gold nugget or royal)
3 clown loaches
1 cobalt blue gourami

So what should I change or add? What gouramis can I put with the blue? I had a gold one but they did not seem to do well.

This a planted tank? if so I'd add more algae eaters than 1 Pleco. I have 8 oto's in my 55G atm and I'm thinking about more. They seem to work best in groups from the looks of it.
I'd be using fake plants mmm didn't think about otos .. might consider them. Can I add more gouramis?
You might also want to consider just putting the fish you have now into the 60 after its cycled and slowly adding new fish rather than putting max load into your tank from the beginning. Just a warning tho Bala sharks can get to 16 inches, Rainbow sharks about 5 inches, clown loaches about 12 inches, and depending on what type of angels around 12 inches or more tall. Pleco's anwhere from a few inches to 24+ inches.
Yes I am going to slowly add the fish. Thanks about the fish sizes. So you think I should stick to that list and that is it? Maybe add a few ottos.
Yeah I'd probably stick with what you have for now. One more thing to consider. Sharks, plecos and loaches need places to hide. So not putting enough hiding places for them to feel safe could stress them a little and with the size that these fish can get to you might soon find yourself running out of room.
I'm going to add as much plants as possible, some flower pots and a large driftwood.
What is the length and width of the tank? The bala shark may get too big for the tank.

I believe the cobalt blue gourami is a dwarf (Colisa lalia)? If so, it's best to just keep that one.
If you could find some female dwarf gouramis, that could work.
RoK said:
What is the length and width of the tank? The bala shark may get too big for the tank.

I believe the cobalt blue gourami is a dwarf (Colisa lalia)? If so, it's best to just keep that one.
If you could find some female dwarf gouramis, that could work.

To be honest that is what I was thinking and having another gold gourami, it is better to transfer the gold one. What gouramis do well with the gold one? I should buy females most probably as the gold are a bit territorial with males.

Tank size: 140x40x50cm
What do you mean by "it is better to transfer the gold one"?
Gouramis that get to about the same size range will usually be ok together. It does depend on the individuals though.
Some gouramis that might go with gold's could be the pearl and opaline.
I have another gold gourami and according to my research they grow larger than cobalt blue so I think it is better to transfer the gold gourami from the 32g to the 60g. I'll consider adding a pearl or opaline.
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