Need some clarification about cleaning

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 30, 2011
My tank was cycled and has been running since May. Now I am starting to see some algae in the tank. I have a tool to clean the glass. Do I just scrub it and then do a PWC? Also, my filter is getting kinda gunky and not flowing as I might like it to. I know I am not to change my filter monthly as the Penguin manufacturer recommends. I have the biowheel. Is the good bacteria in the filter or the bio wheel or both? I am also trying to cycle a second tank-could I rinse the dirty one in the new tank to help BB growth? Then return it to the older tank? Think I'll get a snail or two to help with algae. Can someone recommend snails that don't multiply like guppies? I do not have any algae eaters in the tank-except the gourami's like to eat what they can. I have a 36 gal bowfront. Know I have lots of questions- sorry.:oops:
No, just green algae. I have the Marineland single bright light and I have kept it on all day every day and put the blue light on at bedtime. Wonder if I have had the lights on too much. No live plants in tank:)
I dont know for sure but I believe that is when my algae started (leaving the light on all day) I got two amano shrimp and wow they are underwater maids. They had the 10 g tank (my baby/ QT tank) super clean from algae. Now on the glass you will have to scrub it off. rinse your filters in some of the tank water on a PWC it will free it from debris, also your bio wheels will slow down greatly after some time of operation. That just lends to more oxygen/water contact for BB
Hello my friend,the answer to where the bacteria is,is both on the wheels and inside the the filter,do you have your fishtank near to a window? Cause algeas only apear on high density lights ,thats why lamps for plants are more expensive, and remember never clean filter media with tap water ,cleanet with the water of your tank couse if you doit with tap water you will kill the benefical bacteria.
Yep, bacteria are both on the filter media and biowheel (and some on the substrate and decor). That's a good idea to swish it in the tank water of the tank you want to cycle (make sure the water is dechlorinated) to try to get some of the gunk off so that it isn't impeding the flow. Leaving lights on all the time is not recommended. If your tank is near a window too that could be problematic. Try only leaving the lights on for 8 hours per day. You could also try 4 hours on, 4 off, 4 on, then 12 off; that has been known to help with some of the algae. You may also want to just leave the lights off for a day or two.
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