Need some direction for a 1.7 gal walstad shrimp tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 2, 2022
I'm very new to this hobby, and I don't have much time to study on this topic as extensively as I would like to at the moment for various reasons, school included. Just want some quick tips and species recommendations. I have a rough idea for the layout of the tank, but I do want a small slope with hornwort and rocks at the back. I plan on using aquasoil and gravel for substrate. And I definitely want crystal red shrimp. I'm pretty lost on what foreground plants and floaters to use, and I'm also wondering if just shrimp would be good, or if a snail would be a good idea. But I'm also worried about population control for both of those. I also already have a light attached to the tank that I have [it's an old tank from a betta my mom got, she didn't know they needed 3-5 gallons to live, and the fish died around 2 weeks in], would 12 hours of light be enough? Finally, if anyone has any links to some decent looking small aquarium rocks that would be very nice. If you read this far thank you :)
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