Need The advice of the Experienced pls halp

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 26, 2022
Need advice on infected tank.
Story goes…
About four months ago I had started a fish-less cycle on a ten gallon I got on KSL. I bought some plants let them acclimate, things are going good 1 month later tank is cycling so I up the ammonia add some shrimp. A week later tank is fully cycled. 2nd month in I add 3 neon tetras. They’re a little unhappy because they’re not in a school yet but tank can handle the load just fine . Over the next month I add 4 more neons and they are happy as can be schooling around, and terrorizing the shrimp population. Tank is sustainable but I failed to realize I had a planarian infestation. I dose panacur c works like a charm I try to get as many dead worms from the substrate as possible a little ammonia spike no big deal. Two weeks go by and tank is seemingly fine. Water chemistry is on point, fish are eating and schooling curiously, and it’s going great. All of a sudden two of my fish are “missing”? I assumed they had passed overnight and were eaten by shrimp and other fish:( The rest of the fish start hiding all day and won’t eat any food and I noticed a white stringy growth coming out of my filter and on some plants. )No growths on the fish or any visible signs of illness) I remove the white film do a bigger water change and wait to see if things clear up. They don’t, and I wake up and 1 of my neons had passed away. The remaining four still would not eat and hid in the four corners of the tank separated. I remove them from the tank along with some of the water they were in and set up a quarantine tank with a half dosed aquarium salt and properly dosed melafix. I start to drip acclimate them and after 4 drops they all start swimming erratically and sink to the bottom and pass away. Terrible to watch. I’m still not sure what happened and I’m pretty discouraged. I’m not going to keep any fish for a few months but I still have all the inverts and plants in the tank. How would I go about cleaning the plants and disinfecting the inverts to rehouse them or to sterilize the tank to reintroduce them to a infection free environment? The inverts all seem unaffected eat voraciously as always and seem to be healthy. If I have to nuke the tank I will but I have shrimp and snails I don’t want to just murder them so I’m at a loss. I am in serious need of advice… not sure how to proceed and I would like to disinfect everything so I can have a healthier environment for my inverts and plants. Any advice helps thank you!

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