Need to get some ideas for inventory of my friend's LFS...

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 4, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Hey everyone! One of my friend's, who I work for part-time, would like me to gather up as much information as possible on what you all (the customer) feel is the best equipment and also fish. We have a retailer convention to attend soon and before we go we'd like to see what people REALLY want. This includes medicines, test kits, filters, heaters, and all the accessories included in having a successful tank(s). Also, feel free to list what, in your opinion, are the most popular fish for the home aquarium. This includes salwater and freshwater. Basically, what do you all wish your LFS would carry or what they do carry that you can't live with out. You guys don't have to reply if you don't want, but it would really help us out and our customers. We're located in Jacksonville, FL and have a new website in the

Thanks again everyone for your time!

*NOTE - Moderators, this is not an attempt to spam this forum in any way. Please, do not delete my post. Thank you.
Personally, I really like to have a very large selection.

Ebo Jager heaters seem to be highly rated here, and I love mine.

As far as fish go, it might be good to always have the basics but then also be constantly getting new kinds of fish. Maybe try to get a reputation for having a new selection of fish every week. That would get me back in your door more often.
Aquarium pharm products like their freshwater master test kit, stress zyme, etc etc.
Penguin, marineland, aquaclear filters.
For fish, i'd definitely recommend getting some of the less common types of plecos. Something maybe like albino bristlenost plecs? :wink: (sorry i'm addicted to those -- my favorite fish) clown plecos, etc, various types of tetras like cardinals, rummy nose, etc etc.. For the fish, its just what is available. All lfs have the same thing like neons, cory cats, common plecos, goldfish, guppies, etc. Just get some more uncommon things and see how they sell.
Jacksonville...excellent. Well for me the most important thing about any LFS is the condition of the tanks, I am more than prepared to pay a little more for a store that has spotless tanks. I think that most people will always want the staple fish, Neons, Angels, Plecos and Corys etc. But having a selection of fish that changes and occasionally bringing in some oddities etc. will encourage people to pop in on a much more regular basis.

Personally as a resident of Jacksonville who is currently shoveling money at the hobby -aren' we all- I would love to see a couple of Bichirs....Hint, hint, hint!

Oh and product wise the Marineland stuff is great. Tanks are also very important personally in the next few months I am going to be after a 55 gallon, but it might be difficult on basic tanks competing with Petsmart etc. they do a 55 gallon kit -admitedly the filters etc. are bottom end- for $160.

Hmm, other than that a selection of live foods, and maybe live food culture kits would be much appreciated, something beyond the ubiquitous brine shrimp hatchery.

Where abouts in Jacksonville is the store going to be?
Dont sell those catfish labeled as sharks/catfish that get massive. Don't sell fish like pacus, silver dollars, bala sharks, or other biggies to beginners or people with small tanks.

If you sell bettas give them large containers with filtration.

Don't sell betta in teeny vase kits or others like them.

Don't sell anything pertaining to goldfish in bowls.
Your recommendation is always a good idea for a successful LFS in my opinion. And yes, it definitely does keep customers coming back. I myself am always in high anticipation for our next shipments or trips to local state fish farms and hatcheries!

We DO carry AquaClear right now, and so far have had great success. I will also keep note of the other products you had mentioned. Plecostomus, exotic Plectostomus at that? Well, you hit it right on the spot buddy. I've pushed the idea on to my boss greatly, and it is in the works as of right now to have a nice tank setup for them with a great assortment of exotic Plecostomus. I understand uncommon fish do keep people coming back...I know it keeps me spending lots of money! Ha!

A fellow LOCAL hobbyist...always good to have those! Clean tanks...a HUGE part in selling fish! We do our best at that, although I cannot always make it in to get them cleaned because of my second job, but that second job is what supports this great hobby of mine. Most of the time, they look great! I only wish my boss would switch to a different filtration system for our freshwater tanks. That plan is also in the works. Our saltwater is killer though, always sqeaky clean because of the massive filtration systems used on them! Having oddballs, which you also mentioned, is key as well. And you don't even have to mention Bichirs to me...Bichirs along with Dottybacks are some of my favorite freshwater fish! Pretty much anything that is an eel, or at least half eel such as Bichirs and Dottybacks gets me excited! You also said you're in the market for a 55 gallon tank? We only sell All-Glass right now for our prefabricated tanks and we also build custom acryllic tanks. $160 you say from Pet'sMart? What does this combo include? By the way, our store is already open ;). It's located off of exit 329 coming from I-95 South on CR-210. If you know the Mandarin area, you can also head down San Jose Blvd. South and cross the Julington Creek bridge and it's only 10-15 minutes beyond that. Feel free to stop in sometime man! The address is in my signature, along with our future website.

One thing we are all about is customer service. We will not sell a customer a fish or product that we know is going to cause a problem in the long run. Any LFS that does that just needs to close their business right now in my opinion. When it comes to the Betta housing method you mentioned, I feel the same way. Plus, to me, it looks cheap. I want to have a custom built tank with 30-40 seperated chambers all being filtrated through one system soon. I think that would make us so different from any LFS in town!

It's a possibility, but alot of times people just get online and go to forums or auction sites for used equipment.

THANK YOU so much for the replies everyone! I am trying to complete my list of products and fish for fresh and saltwater by the end of the weekend before our next convention. If anyone has any more information, recommondations, or advice...feel free to keep it coming! Once again, your responses have helped alot and so far my first couple of days at AquariumAdvice have been awesome!
Some things I wish I could find all at one lfs...

1. Bio-Spira
2. large selection of frozen foods
3. at least a moderate selection of live foods. (One lfs near me always has a 10 gal tank of brine shrimp going, they keep it on the counter next to the cash register and sell 1-cup bags of the shrimp for 50 cents. I buy a bag everytime I shop there. Another lfs near me sells live bloodworms, grindal worms, other kind.)
4. some nice chunks of driftwood--including some that does not need to be attached to slate in order to stay down
5. wide variety of live plants, marked in such a way it is clear what their light requirements are. (My lfs does this color-code thing: name in blue ink means low light plant, name in green means moderate light, name in red means high light. And every so often they have a "key" that says low light = under 2 wpg, moderate light = 2-3.5 wpg, high light = 3.5+ wpg) (or whatever, my numbers might be off a tad)
6. fully submersible heaters, not these cr*ppy ones that have to hang on the side of the tank
7. peat moss
8. specialized substrates like Eco-Complete (my favorite), fluorite, etc.
9. ghost shrimp, amano shrimp, cherry shrimp, perhaps others
10. variety of cory cats, especially some pygmy/dwarf corys, which are about the cutest fish on the face of the planet. (Note: please never lump a bunch of different cory species into one tank and sell them as "assorted" corys! grrrrrrr)
11. large 5-gallon buckets for doing water changes. (Yes, I know Home Depot sells them...but if I am a newbie aquarium owner, why should I have to shop anywhere else? This way you can sell them a siphon and a bucket at the same time. If you want, just go buy them from Home Depot and then re-sell them lol.)
12. small tanks (2.5 gal, 5 gal) including lids for them
13. red claw crabs, perhaps even those electric blue "lobsters" (crayfish)--with appropriate "we eat fish" warnings. ADF's and perhaps freshwater newts.
14. breeder nets, tank dividers, java moss and similar "fry" hideouts
15. Aquarium starter sets that YOU put together yourself so they have quality stuff, but that the overall price is still less than buying all the components individually. I am a newbie to this hobby and bought a starter set-up (29 gal) from PetSmart, I think the price was $109 and included the tank (all-glass), hood (single 20W fluorescent), filter (TopFin HOB), heater (100W by Aquarium Systems), and a small fish net. The problem is, the filter was a piece of garbage, so I ended up having to buy an AquaClear anyways, plus the heater is too small (should be 150W for a 29 gal tank) so I need to replace that too. Very frustrating! For someone "new" to fish, a starter kit already assembled is less intimidating to buy than trying to figure out everything individually, so if you could have starter kits that were of a high quality, I think it would sell.

A few general other thoughts...

1. The #1 factor in whether I will buy fish from a place is the condition of the fish in the tanks. Dead fish left in tanks is almost a guarantee I am not coming back to a place to buy anything, ever again.
2. Do not sell sick fish! At the lfs I go to most of the time, as soon as an employee notices ich (or whatever) on one of the fish in a tank, the whole tank is marked "NFS" (not for sale).
3. If there is a local tropical fish society, make contacts there. Perhaps offer to donate a few items so they can auction them off, just ask that it get mentioned where the stuff comes from. If the society issues membership cards, perhaps offer a small discount (5% or 10%) for purchases made at your store for anyone who shows a membership card. Also, if the society has a lot of members who regularly breed fish, that might be a nice source of new/unusual fish for your store--offer to buy up fry from some more unusual species (various killifish, etc.)
4. Whatever and however you list the fish, I hate it when all a lfs does is list the (common) name and a price. Please list the common name, the scientific name, price, and how long the fish gets at adulthood.
5. Do not sell dye-injected fish, and perhaps hang a sign explaining what dye-injected fish are and why you don't sell them. Especially if you are the only lfs in the area that has taken that position, I guarantee you will get some extra business because of it.
6. Another factor that determines a lot where my money goes as a consumer is the quality of the employees. There is only one place (out of about 10 around me) where the employees are *consistently* excellent in terms of the advice they give. All other things being equal, that is always the place I go and spend my money. And the thing it, it's not a fish-only store even, but a complete pet store (mom & pop, though, not a chain) that sells dogs, cats, birds, etc. Yet the employees in the fish section are by far better than even the employees at several fish-only stores in my area.

Well, you asked for ideas...there are mine! Hope it's not too much. :p
Personally I wish the lfs had a larger variety of plecos. They only have the commons which I am sure can't be a good thing, occasionally they have odd mixed cories, and I second that you shouldn't have fish that grow to grand sizes such as bland catfish.

Definetely having a wide variety of plants would be awesome (my lfs only carry anacharis and swords).

I'll get back to yah after I roll this about in my head for a while.
Just.. have people that know how to net fish!
Im sure you do but still. When i got a fish at petsmart he ended up killing two fish and having seven of them drop onto the floor >.<
Rach101 said:
Just.. have people that know how to net fish!
Im sure you do but still. When i got a fish at petsmart he ended up killing two fish and having seven of them drop onto the floor >.<

omg 8O It's like the Grim Reaper of aquarium fish. Wonder what the fish think when they see this guy (or gal) coming? The seven probably leaped out of the tank in a mass suicide rather than get battered to death by Bozo the Fish Store Employee.
Rach101 said:
Just.. have people that know how to net fish!
Im sure you do but still. When i got a fish at petsmart he ended up killing two fish and having seven of them drop onto the floor >.<

Not to be mean, but that post had me laughing like crazy!

No worries buddy, the longer the post and more in depth you go just helps me out just that much more! I really appreciate your input as I knew it took some time to write all that great information!

Responses to your general thoughts section:

1. I am mainly responsible for how clean our tanks are and lord knows I'm a neat freak! We also get lots of great comments on how clean our store is.

2. Sell sick fish? Are you kidding me? I would NEVER do that to innocent customers. And yes, our tanks become off limits when disease or fungus is active in any tank.

3. There is a local aquaria society and their meeting for May is going to be held inside our store ;)! I'm sure club/society discounts will soon follow...

4. Our fish have a small profile AND photo! It shows an example picture of the fish, common name, scientific name, average maximum size, and price :).

5. We sell NO dye-injected fish and never plan to. And the idea you have about about the sign is really creative. I'm seriously going to consider and bring this matter up in conversation with my boss next time at the shop.

6.Customer service is where we stand above all others in my opinion. And I think that's why so many of our customers come in just to hang out and talk all the time! There are a few LFS and some chain stores around here that give false information and always seem to have some sort of attitude when they talk to you. I just can't stand that and would never act like that towards one of our customers.

Your advice about the exotic Plecostomus has been the MOST recommended fish in every forum that I posted this topic. Minus the fact that I will always have a dedicated exotic plecostomus tank for the rest of my life because I love them so much! And as you said, plants are a largely sought after item and we are trying to get a nice tank dedicated to a variety of plants.
In addition to the comments on carrying and labeling plecs, make certain that if you have the ability to place special orders for the more unusual and harder to find fish, that you have a highly visible sign informing your customers.
Oh, another thing I just thought of--female bettas. Many are nearly as beautiful as the males, and they come without a lot (though not all) of the problems associated with males. Yet very, very few lfs' in my area carry them. There is one place that usually has a tank of them and I always make a point of keeping my eyes open for a stunning one. (Found her about a week ago, as my sig indicates). Hopefully she'll take to my community tank once she goes through her quarantine period...
Maybe in your friends shop there could be a box that says "Can't find what you are looking for?" and that way people at your shop can say "Hey, I would like to see these fish"

I personally would like to see German Blue Rams more often, and for a cheaper price (but then again, that could be something that is hard to find where i am, and might not be the case where you are)
I also would like to see a variety of BW puffers, and SA puffers.

Like someone mentioned, a bigger variety of plecos, and not just the common's which get to be way too big.

There is a fish store near me that has an amazing set up... and what I like so much about it, is most of their tanks are species only (give or take). A whole tank dedicated to black and white skirt tetras, a whole tank dedicated to blue gouramis, a whole tank dedicated to kissing gouramis etc. It just makes it easier to see all the fish. Sometimes my bf and I will go to the LFS and he will point out a fish I didn't see when looking because there are 20 different kinds of fish in the tank.
Oh! Marble Hatchets!! Those suckers are hard to find

</random, wordyness>
one thing that not to many lfs seem to have are a good selection of plants, or at least around here. but a good selection of plants is always a plus
i hate having to squint really hard to read the name and price of the fish then find out that there wasnt any of those in that particular tank. try putting the name and price on the tank but also make a large board with a categorized list of every kind of livestock you have including price and maybe even the quantity you have left. if you dont plan on selling stuff online then at least have a nice website for people to get some general information and pictures of the store. simple fish keeping pamphlets would be helpful to people new to the hobby although not passing them out would bring them back to the store to ask questions :p .
So far everyone has nailed anythign and everything id wanna see in my local LFS. Ok how about books and magazines? Oh and you'd be suprised on how many people will buy crickets if you offer them. A lot of people who have fish are bound to have lizards and such. THose seem to sell the most at the LFS next to my current job.
For someone "new" to fish, a starter kit already assembled is less intimidating to buy than trying to figure out everything individually, so if you could have starter kits that were of a high quality, I think it would sell.

I think it's useful to also comparatively note that it's higher quality. Mention that your heater is submersible and provides 5 watts per gallon instead of 3. Mention that the Aqua Clear filter has a neat filtration media basket (or whatever).

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