Aquarium Advice FINatic
I need to lower my pH in my 15 gallon. Before anyone says "don't mess with your pH, your fish adapt" I know it already. The reason is for my ramshorn snails, not my fish. My snails' shells are getting really bleached out. 8O They are turning white when they should be a dark brown. I found out at that if your pH is too high (or too low) it is rough on the snails' shells which is the reason for the bleaching effect. Above 8.0 is not good for them.
I did a search on lowering pH in this forum. It seems that most people who used peat or driftwood were able to reduce the pH slowly and keep it stable. I'll try adding a tiny amout of peat to my filter -- gumball size -- and track how it works.
My tank params:
ammonia = 0
nitrite = 0
nitrate = 20
pH = 8.4+
water is very hard (300+ppm) but I have a water softener (w/sodium) so the test reads "soft" at 75 ppm. (What does that mean for buffering and changing the pH?)
15 gallons: 2 zebra danios, 1 dwarf cory, 1 neon & 3 ramshorn snails. (I know the fish are lonely for more of their own kind. Need to get them some more buddies.)
If anyone has more info or links they'd be welcome. Otherwise, wish me luck.
Thanks for listening.
coolchinchilla (snails: "help us, please!" )
I did a search on lowering pH in this forum. It seems that most people who used peat or driftwood were able to reduce the pH slowly and keep it stable. I'll try adding a tiny amout of peat to my filter -- gumball size -- and track how it works.
My tank params:
ammonia = 0
nitrite = 0
nitrate = 20
pH = 8.4+
water is very hard (300+ppm) but I have a water softener (w/sodium) so the test reads "soft" at 75 ppm. (What does that mean for buffering and changing the pH?)
15 gallons: 2 zebra danios, 1 dwarf cory, 1 neon & 3 ramshorn snails. (I know the fish are lonely for more of their own kind. Need to get them some more buddies.)
If anyone has more info or links they'd be welcome. Otherwise, wish me luck.
Thanks for listening.
coolchinchilla (snails: "help us, please!" )