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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 22, 2014

my tank is finally setup
I want to know what's your opinion!

I have pretty much 4 communities of fish
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Dunno if it's to much for my tank but seems to be running smoothly!

20/25gallon 30" wide

I'll post the pics with more info!

Thanks in advance
Very nice tank! Good job.
Would reccomend getting an API liquid test kit to do at home testing.
Keep up with 50% water changes, cleaning filter material monthly.
Do you use Prime? Well water or city water?

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I use city water... That's why the water is hard but I always add product to help with bacteria and make sure the temps are good !

I'm just wondering if I have to many fish schools on my tank

They all seem to be doing fine
But I know guppies reproduce fast
If you have city water, you need a product like Prime to treat for chlorine specifically.
Don t know a lot about guppies, I try to get all males or all females when I have live bearer schools. A lot of fry get eaten too.

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I think your stocking is ok. You want to find out what your nitrates are just before your weekly WC. That will be a good indicator of how high your bioload (waste produced by the fish) is.
Since you have nitrites, your tank hasn t completely cycled. Would reccomend not adding anymore fish until you have 0 ammonia , 0 nitrites & nitrates at 10-20.

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Hey everyone my rainbow fish are getting white spots on their tails any ideas???
Does it look like Ich? Picture?

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Did a 10% water change today

Add product

And added sponge filter ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1414882763.417842.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1414882780.477760.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1414882794.090889.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1414882807.457019.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1414882837.521719.jpg
Kind of looks like Ich. Can you see any spots on their bodies?

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Just my humble opinion but next time you buy food maybe get a higher quality food. I like New Life Spectrum or Hikari. And most people don t use the additives, just Prime or other water conditioner.
And to treat Ich, find threads on here that use higher tank temps & salt only.
Be sure all of your fish can tolerate salt tho.

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I agree a higher quality diet is important. NLS Thera A is my staple food.

The heat treatment works without the use of salt, so IMO there's no need to add to the stress of the fish by adding it.

Ich will spread to the rest of the body, while other white spots do not. The spots look a little large to be ich, but not so much so that it rules ich out. Not necessarily the advice you were looking for probably, but I would wait and see how it develops. Ich is an ailment for which you have lots to time to treat, so you have the luxury of waiting and seeing.
Forgot to mention that your tank looks good:).

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Thank you so much

You guys always give great advice

I'll put my temps a bit up
Can't put salt cause I have shrimp and snails plus baby fry,

Every one else seems ok on the thank, let's hope higher temps will help
What temp should I put it at?
Ok, just turned temp up to 86
(Max my heater can go )

Which food do you guys recommend?
Ok, just turned temp up to 86
(Max my heater can go )

Which food do you guys recommend?

Be mindful to check on the heaters progress. In my experience a heater can only warm the water 1-2 degrees an hour, so the speed at which the tank warms up should not be a problem. However, just because you set it to 86 doesn't mean that that's the temp it will be.

New life spectrum Thera A, or Northfin if you can get it.
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