nematodes DANG IT!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
I definitely have them! My fish are all in hospital right now so I am doing some aggressive water changes, and feeding my shrimp only one flake of food. This should get rid of them right? Pesky buggers!
Are you sure it is nematodes? They are free-swimming, and usually will not adhere to the sides. Planaria however, are attached to the glass, and not free-swimming. Regardless, both are harmless, and some fish will eat them, they are just very unsightly.

Keep cleaning the gravel good and keep low on feeding. How severe are they?

I think some copper-based meds will kill them, but no since in adding uneeded meds to your tank if you don't need to.

Good luck.
they were bad yesterday, did a 30% water change heavy vac on the gravel, wiped the glass down. They are back today, I wouln't say its a bad infestation, but you can tell they are there. I am going to give it until my fish are ready to be moved back to the tank, and if they arent gone by then, I will probably try more extreme measures. OH also some are very short and white and others are more longish (compared to the short ones) and more clearish. Definately clinging on the glass. YUCK!!
what i did to get rid of a LOT of them... shut off your filter/air/anyhting making a current. you'll see after a few minutes they will all float to the top. then i stick a jar in and skim them off the top.

i read an article about them once that explained their life cycle...

start off as basicly dust in the water. then with over feedign you'll notice they get longer in to free swimming strings, about 1-2 cm long. then you'll notice them starting to cling to the glass and objects. this is the egg laying process. they die, and it begins again.

cleaning and cutting as far back on food as possible is best. i did the skim water thing, and it took a lot of them away. it will speed up the process. clean the gravel really really really good. good luck!

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