Neon Tetra Disease -- or maybe not?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 25, 2006
I recently started a tank with a school of 10 tetras (using Bio-Spira). It didn't cycle within 24hrs, but it's done something. Nitrites have been fluxing from .3ppm to .8ppm but amonia has been below .25ppm. The first PWC I did was about 40% -- probably a bit too much for the first time. I have filtered tap water so I tried to match water temperatures and poured the water (slowly) in straight from the tap along with a tiny bit of BioSafe just in case. The fish loved it! They started to dance around and chase each other -- very active.

My second PWC, however, did not go well. This time I poured the water in without adding any BioSafe or AmQuel -- I'm pretty sure my soft water filtering system gets out all the metals and stuff, and I've tested it for ammonia and nitrites -- nothing. Anyways, the fish were fine at first but then got very pale and started to swim funny. Some were gasping. Today, however, they seem fine. I'm guessing I should let the water sit a bit before adding it to the tank? They were happier before the PWC at almost .8ppm nitrite than they were after at about .3-.4 ppm nitrites. Maybe it was some kind of toxic metal?

What's concerning me, however, is that one of my fish has a white splotch in his coloring, between the red tail and blue stripes. It's been like that ever since I got him a few days ago. He seems healthy, but is very territorial. He separates himself from the pack and guards a little spot on the rock. I'm not sure if this is a symptom of NTD or just being territorial. :-/

How fast do the symptoms of NTD happen? I don't have a quarantine tank so I'd prefer not to take the infected fish out. Despite the whitish splotch he is swimming fine and appears to be healthy. Seems to me if that he really has been infected with NTD he's already been pecking at other fish for the few days I've had my tank and infecting them.

Any advice? Maybe some kind of medicine I can add to the tank as a precaution? I think I'll wait a day or so before another PWC to let them recover from the ordeal.

EDIT: Just had a chat with my dad...the water isn't "filtered," it's just softened. So I guess that's what freaked out the fish. I added AmQuel AFTER the fish started acting weird so I guess that's what saved them. I just tested the pH of our softened tap water and the pH of the tank and they're only .2 away from each other. I've learned my lesson. :) Is it okay to pour the tap into the tank and THEN add AmQuel right after? Or should I add AmQuel to the pitcher that I use to transfer the tap to the aquarium?

Still not sure about the NTD ordeal, though. Has me worried.
Always add dechlorinator when doing a pwc. It may be a fungus. Add some melafix and pimafix as they are very mild medications and keep an eye on your tetra. I would add the dechlorinator to the pitcher of water when adding to the tank.
Any chance you can get a picture of the fish? Can you describe the white spot any better? Is it cottony? Raised? Are his fins on that side moving ok?

I agree with Zagz. Melafix and Pimafix can be used and will eliminate the spot if it is a fungal or bacterial issue.

Good luck.
Bought the Melafix and Pimafix yesterday and dosed the tank. The spot simply looks like a whitish discoloration -- it looks like it could simply be his natural coloration. His fins are fine. The rest of the fish seem fine today. Only problem I can see is that they aren't very active...they just swim around towards the bottom of the tank in the anacharis. When I feed them, however, they go crazy and put on quite a show. :) What I've noticed is that they get less and less active towards the end of the day. Perhaps they're just getting sleepy. :p

I'm thinking that they're still adjusting to their new environment...its been about 5 days so far and the road has been a bit bumpy. They're skiddish and still swim away when I walk by. I'm just happy all 10 of them are still alive. :p

BTW, how long is it safe to have the tank running without any of the floss or carbon media? Right now the ONLY filtration I have is the biowheel. Is it OK to put the filter back in for a few hours every day to clean things up before another dose? Water seems fine ATM after a day and a half without the media.
Could just be that they are still adjusting to their new environment, like you said.

Having your filter running is fine, too. Just remove the carbon from the filter pad.
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