Neon tetra fin nipping

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 14, 2009
I have a 10 gallon tank with
3 Zebra Danios
4 Neon Tetras
1 betta

I just brought them last week and I noticed that one of the tetras back fins tip was missing not the whole fin but just a small nip. I don't know if I just didn't notice it or if the danios nipped at him. He seem fine and healthy though,and is swimming fine. Will it grow back?
I would think it would moreso be the betta that nipped. It will grow back, just keep up with pwc's.
I used to have a betta and I learned that they are agressive fish. You shouldn't even have two of the same species(Bettas) in the same tank because they will have a brawl and one of them will be unfortunate. As for the fin growing back, I don't know if they can re-grow it like lizards re-grow their tails.
Unless it's really bad, their fins will grow back if the water is kept clean. I would not guess it was the betta, because they are not fast enough to catch neons.
You can put most female bettas together, but usually not males.
I used to have a betta and I learned that they are agressive fish. You shouldn't even have two of the same species(Bettas) in the same tank because they will have a brawl and one of them will be unfortunate. As for the fin growing back, I don't know if they can re-grow it like lizards re-grow their tails.
Yeah I know that they just can't be in the same with there species.
Unless it's really bad, their fins will grow back if the water is kept clean. I would not guess it was the betta, because they are not fast enough to catch neons.
You can put most female bettas together, but usually not males.
When I first put the neons in the betta tried chasing them around then he gave up.
Do you think the zebra danios did it?
I have fancy tail guppies and zebra danios and they get along perfectly, even swimming together sometimes. The danios never nip, even though they're slightly bigger than the guppies.
Are you sure it's fin nipping and not just some fin rot from the FANTASTIC, healthy LFS tanks? ;)

That's what I was failing to allude to. When I had my first guppies (before I found the site and knew about cycling) they're fins appeared to have been nipped, but I think it was just do to horrible water chemistry which led to fin rot. It appeared one fish at a time.
I honestly don't think any of those fish would've nipped at the neons. The only one that could would be the betta and I doubt it could catch a neon. The neons and danios have such small mouths, I doubt they would do any damage if they were nipping.
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