Neon Tetra Help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 24, 2003
Champaign, IL
I just got a small school of 6 Neons a little under a week ago, but one died yesterday after loosing all of its color. The rest of the fish are now starting to loose color, and are tilted backwards as they sit in the water. From what I have read, I think I may have neon tetra disease, are there any solutions or other possible causes for this?
Sorry,no solutions.If all the fish are rapidly losing red color then that's it.I'm sure if you take them back to the lfs with a water sample they will give you a refund or credit.Good luck.
There is no cure, get any affected fish out of the tank ASAP. Humanely euthanize the affected.
"humanely euthanize"- isnt that a bit of an oxymoron? i mean, is there really a humane way to do that?
Well putting the fish to sleep in cold water, or an alcholic beverage as I read somewhere, seems to be a lot nice to the fish than slowly letting them die.
oh. still souds like a crappy way to die, imo. just as long as they dont have to be sick anymore.
I place Ice cubes in a bowl of water and place the affected fish in there for a few seconds and they are gone... :( no fun...
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