Neon tetra seems off

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 2, 2011
hi all i have taken these questions from the sticky post in this forum.

1~What type of fish is afflicted? our neon tetra is acting a little odd. he seems to be swimming ok albeit with a ever so slight curve in his tail (but its been like that for a while now probably since we got him) and he is eating (when the betta fish doesnt get his food) but he is a little pale in colour he doesnt seem to have as much blue as before.

2~What are your tank parameters: ammo 0ppm; nitrites: 0ppm; nitrates 10-20ppm (i say that because naturally we have 10ppm of nitrates in the water so its hard to judge at times) PH is about 7.6. temp is at 28 (we have been treating for ick so raised the temp to 30 and we are now bringing it back down however he seemed pale before we started lowering the temp)

3~ How large is the tank? How long has the tank been set up? 19ltr and set up for at least 6-8 months.

4~What type of filtration are you using? its an inbuilt filter that came with the tank itself not a seperate one so unfortunatly there isnt a name

5~How many fish are in the tank? male betta fish and the neon tetra in question. over the months his bretherin have died off. one was fair old. and the others we got died off as they were already "broken" when we bought them (**** you pets at home!!!)

6~When is the last time you did a water change and vacuum the gravel?
did a water change not yesterday the day before that. do it about once a week depending on paramaters and if the water is getting quite low (below minimum requirement for the filter) the amount we take out depends again on paramaters etc. can be anywhere from 20% to 50%

7~How long have you had the fish? at least a good 3 months or so

8~Have you added anything new to the tank? only thing thats changed really is that we treated for ick and fin rot at the same time so temp was raised and interpet medicine was added.

9~What kind of food have you been feeding your fish, have you changed their diet recently? havent changed their diet. and its tropical fish pellets from pets at home (no real brand to them.. unfortunately we dont get the same foods as america does)
Hi! I'm no fish expert by any means and I'm sure others will chime in with more detail. The term neon tetra disease gets thrown around alot when it's actually quite rare, however with the curve of the spine and the whitish colour, they sound like symptoms of ntd. The best thing IMO to do would be to separate him from the main tank into quarantine and observe for more symptoms. This would minimise the risk to your other fish while you investigate what your dealing with, short of this there's not much you can do. Separating a singular neon in my experience might stress the poor fella to death or close to it, so it's risky either way, however if he continues to get worse you may find all your neons become infected.


Fish begins to lose coloration
As cysts develop, body may become lumpy
Fish has difficulty swimming
In advanced cases spine may become curved
Secondary infections such as fin rot and bloating

Short of quarantine there nothing you an to apart from separate and euthanise, this is very drastic which is why I would recommend to quarantine and be sure on what your dealing with before reacting.

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