New 120 gal

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 26, 2003
Idaho USA
ok so this buddy of mine bought his girlfriend who has been madly in love with the ocean and its inhabitants forever (and shes already 20) a 120 gal. tank. Well he has never had a fish tank before, she has only had a freshwater, so this is all up to me :? The guy he bought the tank from has an very expensive canister filter and everything. I was thinking about runnin the canister filter, a few power heads, DSB, and some heaters. The tank is probably going to contain a little bit of everything. She wants an anemone and stuff so ill be getting the correct lighting for that and everything, but its not going to be a total reef tank. I was thinking about just some live rock on some base rock, a few corals, some fish, good cleaning crew, and a few other inverts. Does this sound good to everyone, any ideas or anything on how it should be set up would be great.
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