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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I don't know that I'd call them hideous, but they're certainly not a favourite of mine. I understand they were created for a helpful purpose, but to then capitalize on it seems... I don't know. Underhanded? Opportunistic, definitely. Mostly I just think it's unnecessary. Copyrighting a living thing just seems so cold.
maybe hideous is not the word, anyways.. I don't want to throw is thread off topic so moving on.. Haha.. Are you getting your fish from that guy you met?
Just the pleco, methinks. The others will likely come from the two LFSs here. I know the one that carries Diamond Tetras doesn't carry Glowlight Danios, and I know the one that carries the Glowlights doesn't carry Diamonds. I'll have to shop around.

From what I'm told, both stores are pretty reputable and the tanks all look great. I've only ever seen one dead fish, and it was in a quarantine tank the day those particular fish were shipped in. I'll have to hope that the fish I bring home are healthy as I don't have a QT tank at this time.
If you get them all in the same few days than your display will essentially be your qt, you could dose a paraguard as a precaution.
Sounds like a plan to me.

Do you think with that stocklist I could get away with another small schooling fish? Green neons or something with a minimal bioload? Or would that be overdoing things?

Edit: Congrats on 2000 posts, btw!
Just tested my water again, and now I'm a little confused. My nitrates have gone up a little but I still see zero nitrites. My ammonia has also gone up, presumably because I added another pinch of fish food last night. My pH has also dropped. Is this normal? Did I miss the nitrite step somehow?

Test results:
pH 7.4 (down from 7.8)
Ammonia 0.75ppm
Nitrites 0
Nitrates between 5 and 10ppm

Just tested my water again, and now I'm a little confused. My nitrates have gone up a little but I still see zero nitrites. My ammonia has also gone up, presumably because I added another pinch of fish food last night. My pH has also dropped. Is this normal? Did I miss the nitrite step somehow? Test results: pH 7.4 (down from 7.8) Ammonia 0.75ppm Nitrites 0 Nitrates between 5 and 10ppm Thanks!
when I cycled my first tank with seeded media I never had a nitrite spike either, it was amm and trates until it was just trates.. I can't make sense of it, that's threnjens department.. 2000?! Man I need a life haha.. I get bored at work.. The ph seems perfect IMO, as long as it stabilizes there I'd say your set in that regard, if it keeps changing than we need to explore possible reasons/repairs.. With the 35, 3 groups of 5-6 tetras or small danios, 4-5 Cory's and one centerpiece should fly as long as you're full willing to stay up on your weekly tank maintainance, i know you've done your homework, it seems you may actually know more about this hobby than most in here haha, In all seriousness that would be a fully stocked tank that would require a good amount of attention, just trying to put eyes on every one fish a day to check it's health can be a chore in itself! Than again I have like 40 fish! Wait.. Maybe 50... A lot of fish...
I think maybe the bacteria that convert ammonia to nitrites are already going strong and just don't tank long to do their thing. At least that's what I'm hoping. I'll take it as a good thing and assume I'm well on my way showing nitrates already. Time will tell!

God, I feel like I know next to nothing! So much information. I know I'll never absorb it all, but that doesn't mean I can't try. =P

I'm now thinking instead of trying to cram another school in there and end up overstocking, I may go back to my original plan of including the slightly larger Congo tetras and scrapping the idea of another school altogether. Most of what I've read says that 30g is acceptable so long as they have lots of open swimming space and a couple hidey spots. My tank's a little bigger than that and seems to fit the criteria. I can always rehome them if they seem anything less than happy.

That would leave me like this:
6 Danio Choprae
6 Congo Tetras
6 Peppered Cories
1 Bristlenose Pleco

Decisions, decisions!
As cool as the Congo tetras are I would still be apprehensive in putting them in anything less than a48" long tank, they have about 20 in a 40 breeder at my Lfs and they still look cramped, not saying it wouldn't work though.. I think you may have to pick the congos over the other small school, they get up to 4-5" I believe.. What about bleeding hearts? Have you looked into those? I had some zebra danios and being as active as they were it seemed to disrupt the balance of the tank, take into consideration how active do you want your tank? Constant motion? Short bursts of activity? Consistent movement but not to spastic? I've found the consistent but more easy going tank to be the most pleasant to watch, the danios would stress me and my chill fish out.. Not cool danios!
Can I ask where you got the 4-5" size information? Everything I've read says they get to 3", maybe 3.5".

The reason I'm thinking of going with the danios is because I know they like to hang out in the current at the top of the tank. Any other suggestions for top-dwellers that aren't livebearers? I'm a little worried about the reputation fancy guppies have for being delicate and prone to random deaths from selective breeding.

Just tested parameters again. Ammonia is slowly going down and nitrates are slowly going up. Looks like I'm heading in the right direction!
Can I ask where you got the 4-5" size information? Everything I've read says they get to 3", maybe 3.5". The reason I'm thinking of going with the danios is because I know they like to hang out in the current at the top of the tank. Any other suggestions for top-dwellers that aren't livebearers? I'm a little worried about the reputation fancy guppies have for being delicate and prone to random deaths from selective breeding. Just tested parameters again. Ammonia is slowly going down and nitrates are slowly going up. Looks like I'm heading in the right direction!
the ones at my Lfs are around 3.5" and I asked them if they got much bigger, 4-5" is the answer I got?? Killi's could be an option? My rummynose tetras are all over the tank too.
Hmm, maybe I'll have a small school each of Bleeding Hearts and Diamond Tetras instead. I really need to stop overthinking this. :lol:
no, you're doing exactly what I wish I had done! Planing and planing! Do you know how hard it is netting a fish you want to return in a planted tank?! Let alone 12 fish you want to return! I did it all wrong.. This way you'll be happy with your setup and not have tankers remorse like myself;)
I'm hoping I won't have any remorse once I'm stocked. I'm the kind of person who second-guesses everything and feels perpetually guilty for no reason. I can see many "did I kill my fish?!" posts in my future.

I really like the suggestion of Bleeding Hearts, Brookster. Thank you! Any other favourites I should know about?
Well that's a whole other issue in itself, I remember your first post and I immediately thought if your ability to not blame yourself over fish deaths, no matter how well you prepare, how much care you put forth, fish will die, sometimes for no apparent reason, I've had many deaths, some of which I know were a direct result if my inexperience, others.. Mainly guppies and neons.. For no reason I could make sense of.. You'll have to prepare yourself for the distinct possibility this will happen..
Well that's a whole other issue in itself, I remember your first post and I immediately thought if your ability to not blame yourself over fish deaths, no matter how well you prepare, how much care you put forth, fish will die, sometimes for no apparent reason, I've had many deaths, some of which I know were a direct result if my inexperience, others.. Mainly guppies and neons.. For no reason I could make sense of.. You'll have to prepare yourself for the distinct possibility this will happen..

I was certain I was going to be the magic special snowflake that could keep all my fish alive. That was cute. :angel:
Man what the heck is with guppies. They must be so inbred. Everyone says they are so hardy and yet they hate me.

Captain it's awesome you are planning so well! I do that too.
Thanks for the reassurance, guys. :)

I know that fish often die for no observable reason, and I like to think I'm prepared for it to happen. Yes, I'm a biiiig softy when it comes to animals, but I've got an awesome support system here at home and lots of experience dealing with tragedy, sadly. My emotional issues aren't exactly logical, which is the hardest thing. Mental illness is no fun. That said, I've been doing much better since I started in this hobby. Gives me something to put my energy into.

But I digress! Threnjen, is it normal for me not to see any nitrites? Ever? I only ask because you appear to be an expert on cycling.
We got your back too;) I've always had issues in the winter.. Call it seasonal affective or whatever.. I get down after a few months if cold and little sun.. This is my first winter with tanks and let me tell you.. Bigggg difference! Especially since I got this crazy bright led! Feel like I'm on the beach.. There is a lot that can be said to the effectiveness of aquariums and overall well being! But I digress as well.. And yes, threnjen seems to know way to much about cycling! I think she's a robot, but shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone;)
Beep boop boop beep!

I have no idea why you have no nitrites, I have been totally confused about that! I like to think I know everything but I read something at least once a day that has me completely confused :confused: Like why a cycle that bypasses nitrites?
I mean in a fully cycled tank, even if you have a bloom and see ammonia you usually won't see nitrites, because the bacteria DO eat them up really fast. It is just backward that you would have a big nitrite eating population before the ammonia eating one because the nitrite ones are slower to grow. So I'm kinda at a loss.

Everything at least seems to be going well, if not as we would expect :)

I need to get off the forum (I've been sitting here at least an hour and a half) but I have a happy cat in my lap and I just hate to displace him...
Beep boop boop beep! I have no idea why you have no nitrites, I have been totally confused about that! I like to think I know everything but I read something at least once a day that has me completely confused :confused: Like why a cycle that bypasses nitrites? I mean in a fully cycled tank, even if you have a bloom and see ammonia you usually won't see nitrites, because the bacteria DO eat them up really fast. It is just backward that you would have a big nitrite eating population before the ammonia eating one because the nitrite ones are slower to grow. So I'm kinda at a loss. Everything at least seems to be going well, if not as we would expect :) I need to get off the forum (I've been sitting here at least an hour and a half) but I have a happy cat in my lap and I just hate to displace him...
haha one of the biggest reasons for not moving in my apt. Cats hate to be disturbed when napping. I dumped a big bag of bb (squeezed off sponge at Lfs) into my tank one week into my cycle and never got a nitrite spike.. Maybe I tested wrong??
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