New African Cichlid Tank, quick question!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 9, 2011
North East, Indiana
Hello everyone,

I am going to be setting up a new African Cichlid tank, I used to have a 55g one about 8 years ago. I recently have gotten back into the hobby and want to do another one.

So, this time around I'm going to be keeping my eyes out for a drilled tank (I have always wanted one, I know its not 100% necessary for fresh water). I am going for a minimal of 55 and probably a max of 90. I did find a 55g tall, but I was concerned about it being long enough for the cichlids as I have always been on the understanding that you should have at least a 55 for cichlids.

So my question(s).. Why is it a minimal of 55g? Is it do to space to swim, enough room to hide, ect..?
Thanks in advance!
Fish spend most of their time swimming left to right and back again. If the tank is tall but not very long/ wide, there is less room for each fish and there is more chance of violent attacks. Each fish needs its own personal space and longer wider tanks can give each fish more room.

eg: An aquarium that is 4 ft long x 2 ft wide x 18 inches high has a much bigger surface area and more room for the fish compared to a tank that is 4 ft long x 18 inches wide x 2 ft high.

They are the same dimensions and hold the same amount of water, but the wider tank is the better tank for fish.
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