New Female Betta

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 24, 2012
Ontario, CA
Bought another female Betta, Flora, today to bring my number up to 5, she is currently in QT. In the 2nd pic you can see Pearl off to the left in her own QT tank, she's been in there 2 weeks tomorrow & so far no issues. They'll both be moved into the 46g once their QT is over.

This one is very much like one I already have as far as temperament & body/fin shape. Keeping my fingers crossed it won't be much of an issue but you never know until they're swimming free with each other.


Thank you, I'm hoping she's going to stays healthy. This morning she was acting slightly off but I know it can take a couple days or so for them to settle in so I'll see how she is after work.
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