New filter recommendations needed for a 20G

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 27, 2003
Seattle, WA
My TopFin just conked out today. I followed all the directions on troubleshooting but still can't get it to work again. That thing is only 7 months old :?

So what to get for my 20 gallon? Are the bio-wheel filter types really that much better (read: worth the price) than the HOB types? If so, can somebody explain why? Also, do the bio-wheel types use carbon (of which I still have half a carton of...)?


(Sorry if this is a repetitive post; I tried searching but kept coming up with hundreds of hits--all the same hits!--no matter what search parameters I put in. None of the hits were pertinent either.)
Hi Myriam. :D . The bio wheels are part of some HOB filters. I like them because they increase the space for nitrifying bacteria, and you can clean the filter without disturbing the colony. I just ordered 2 more Penguin 330s from bigalsonline for $20.49 each.

I would say you could eliminate the carbon altogether. The filter cartridges made for the 330 has carbon in it. I slit the cartridge and remove the carbon.

There are a lot of good HOBs on the market. I would reccomend a AC300, and then adjust down the flow rate to suit the 20g tank better. The Aquaclears give you a lot of media area to work with and have a lot of flexibility.

The Penguin and Emporer Bio Wheel filters are good too. I am not too sold on the Bio Wheel idea myself, mainly because my father last power on his tank and the Bio Wheels dried, he lost most of his good bacteria in a few hours when no one was home.
an AquaClear 200 should be plenty. 300 would make a lot of current in a 20gallon...which might be great for certain fish, but bad for other certain fish (like bettas, for example)
Thanks for the advice...will be looking into these filters. Dumb question: what brand is AC and who is the manufacturer?

Heya Brian :) Why don't you use the carbon? I guess I thought all filters needed to use it. Is it useless or does it mess the water up if you have a bio-wheel?

I'm planning on just running down to PetSmart this afternoon to pick up a filter, because I don't want my poor fish to have gross water for days. If I install a new filter with a bio-wheel, do I need to use Bio Spira or something like that in order to re-cycle the tank? Or will the bio-wheel kind of cycle itself with the bacteria already in my tank?
"an AquaClear 200 should be plenty. 300 would make a lot of current in a 20gallon...which might be great for certain fish, but bad for other certain fish"

The flow rate on the 300 is adjustable from about 100 gph up to 300 gph max. Also with the Aquaclears, if you lower the output flow rate, the filter itself still moves 300 gph an hour. If you use the lowest setting and push 100 gph around the tank, water goes through the media about 3 times before going back into the tank, which helps keep the water nice.
Dumb question: what brand is AC and who is the manufacturer?

AC=Aquaclear :)

Heya Brian Why don't you use the carbon? I guess I thought all filters needed to use it. Is it useless or does it mess the water up if you have a bio-wheel?

Carbon is optional really. It is good for pulling meds out of the water but not always necessary. Do a search for carbon and you can find a lot about the pros and cons.

I'm planning on just running down to PetSmart this afternoon to pick up a filter, because I don't want my poor fish to have gross water for days. If I install a new filter with a bio-wheel, do I need to use Bio Spira or something like that in order to re-cycle the tank? Or will the bio-wheel kind of cycle itself with the bacteria already in my tank?

No need for Bio-Spira, the Bio Wheel will pick up bacteria on its own :)
In the last couple weeks I have purchased 2 AC200's. I really like them because they are so simple and really seem to work well. I have one on a 5.5g (Turned down all the way most of the time except after I vacume or get something mixed up) and one on a 20g tall.
even an aquaclear 150 would give you 7.5x turnover on a 20g tank, barring flow restictions from media, of course. :mrgreen:
Seems like the recommended filters here have big tank max sizes. Is it a better practice to get a filter that has an output for a bigger tank? I mean, if my tank is a 20G, I guess I should get a filter that says it's for up to a 30 or 50 gallon tank instead?
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