Last night I purchased some new fish. The fish acting up is the oriental sweet lips .. Yes I know it's a tough fish to keep.. But I acclimated the fish for 2 hours and while acclimating I dropped a few pieces of rods food in the bucket to see if it would eat.. And it grabbed some food . So after 2 hours I put it in the tank and watched it swim a little bit on the bottom.. Didn't go very far but looked pretty good.. About an hour after it was in the tank it came out and started swimming around. But then suddenly went crazy swimming around uncontrollably and looked like it was going for air. Settled down but would go upside down.. Then swim again.. I grabbed it and put it in a breeder net so I wouldn't lose it under my reef.. This morning I got up and the fish was still breathing but laying upside down. I touched the net and it went upright swam a few circles then went back upside down.. Anyone know what's going on? All levels should be normal but will check again tonight. Two days ago all levels were zero.. All other fish and corals look great. Added 2 clowns. flame angel. Unicorn tang and sweet lips last night.