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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 4, 2004
I am looking for ideas of fish to add to my planted 30 gal (cube) tank. The current residents are 1 Pictuc cat, 1 Raphael, 1 red-tailed shark, 3 Angels, 1 Pleco.

The tank is 24 x 24 x 24 and sports alot of cover. I'd like to get a mid-depth school, or add a couple more interesting fish. Any suggestions???
Lots of cover? Iwould think a school of tetras would like that! Or how about a school of platies? they like cover, and mid swimming, and I bet with a well planted tank they would breed with some of the fry surviving to grow out.
I have a school of rummy nose tetras that stick to the middle and bottom levels of the tank. My green fire tetras (in the same tank) swim at all levels. Both of these species have become some of my favorite tetras. :mrgreen: They may be too small to live with angels though.
I like the neon tetras they dont produce much waste and are small...also they look great in school and swim near the middle of the tank. Dinos are nice also.
Last time I checked, Pictus Cats had huge spines on their dorsal and pectoral fins that flare out and lock if they get frightened. I remember trying to catch one, and it got all hooked up in the net, and we ended up chopping up the net to get the fish out, because he was so entangled.
I also think a group of tetras would look good in that tank but I wouldn't go with neons. Neons are small enough that my angelfish thought they were from a beer commercial...tastes great and less filling. As the number of angelfish snacks...I mean neon tetras...diminished in my tank I eventually took pity on the last few survivors and returned them to my LFS. I suggest you look at some of the larger tetras instead. I eventually went with the Columbian Red and Blue Tetra which is a very attractive addition to any tank.
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