New Freshwater Tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 31, 2003
Lewisville, Texas
Hey everyone,

I currently have an empty ten gallon that I want to turn into a freshwater community. I know ten gallons are too small, but I think they are nice for novice aquarists. Anyways, It is fully furnished, with an awesome filter and an aeration device along with full handmade decor and seashells. I was wondering if this combination of fish would work well together:

1 or 2 angelfish, 4 or 5 male guppies, 4 or 5 tetras, and an african dwarf frog.

Is that overcrowding? Ive already asked a friend and he said it should be fine, but Im making sure by getting a secondary opinion.
Wow, thats way overcrowded. Angels need about 10g apiece (between their territorial nature and those big fins). Tetras can be pretty nippy (depends on the species) and may chew up those pretty guppy tails and or the angelfish tails. Dunno bout the frogs. If you get mellow tetras, like neons, the angels may eat them (natural prey). Heh sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but thats not a great combo IMHO.

Also, be careful with those shells. Seashells can add calcium to the water and muck up your Ph levels. They are not usually recommended for FW tanks.
8O That is way overcrowded. 8O

IS your tank cycled yet? if not i'm afraid that not much of them will last through it due to the high ammonia produced in such a small tank.

IMO...if you don't have a large enough tank...don't buy guppies. They breed so much that there won't be enough space for the future frys :mrgreen:
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