New guy from Las Vegas

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Vegas Marine

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 24, 2004
Las Vegas, Nevada
Howdy from Las Vegas;

I have lived in Las Vegas for going on 20 years, and recently decided I wanted to start a salt water tank. I've always admired ones I've seen, but heard horror stories about how hard they are to care for, how expensive they are, and if everything isn't exactly right, you'll just end up with dead fish.

I took the plunge (sorry for the pun) about a month ago and ordered a 47 gallon corner tank. It arrived, and I got it set up with the help of The Simple Guide to Marine Aquariums, by Kurtz. Unfortunately, sometimes the book raised more questions than it answered.

I'll probably be pestering the experts on your site with a bunch of newbie questions. Sorry in advance for that, I'll try to use the search feature before I ask something that has already been covered.

Well, Think I'll have a look around. Everything I've seen so far looks great, lots of nice and knowledgeable folks here!

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