New in the forum(hi!), new at fishless cycling!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 20, 2014
Bogota, Colombia
Hello y'all!!

I want to start by saying that this forum has given me a lot of good info on how to start my fishless cycle, i'm new in the hobby, this is the tank i started with:


its a 65g, aquatop canister filter, 250w heater, 2 marineland reef capable 36" (one was too narrow for my tank) Pressurized Co2 (not on at the moment).

I started with the one a only bacteria and i'm dossing the Dr tim's ammonium chloride.

Here are my parameters so far, nitrite is very high hoping it gets lower soon.
also a got a bit of algae on my tank due to the lights which i'm turning off now.

I will let you guys know how it goes! again thanks for a great forum with tons of good info!

I agree about the aquascape; it would look great with some reddish plants like crytpocoryne wendtii 'mi oya', cabomba furcata, and hygrophila polysperma 'sunset'.
Thanks for your kind words!!

My tank is now cycled!!! :) , 0 Ammonia and nitrites for 6 days dosing ammonia daily, BUT, i got now an algae problem on my hands, they are long green strings that wrap around the plants (Java and weeping moss mostly) also my driftwood has developed a white cotton like substance on top of it.

Anyone got any advise on how to treat it? here are some pics. thanks for the help :thanks:


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