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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 24, 2021
Hey! My current tank right now is 20 gallons and I have 2 angelfish (one is on the smaller side and the other is huge) and 2 cory catfish. I was gifted a betta that was put in the tank while I was out of town, but I'm having some problems and have had to quarantine it. He has red fins. I suspect fin nipping and now fin rot. How long until I see some sign of recovery? He is on medication (Bettafix) but the redness hasn't gone away at all. Although, his fins are showing some regrowth.
That aside, I just bought a new tank! I'm getting a 55 gal. I'm so excited, but I have a few questions. I want to do a planted tank, but know basically nothing so any advice would help. Also, I wanted to do sand and gravel in the tank, but I heard about gas bubbles killing fish? What's that about? How do I cycle my tank? I want to add a little school of neon tetra as well. Do you guys think that will be ok? Thats the only addition in fish I'm thinking about so far. Do you think if my betta gets better that I could put him back in as well? Now that there is more room. Lastly, please any advice on anything even if I didn't mention it or any mistakes you made!! THANK YOU!!
How fun! I’m excited for you! I love angelfish. Used to have them several ago and had to sell my tank. But they were lots of fun and really beautiful.

On a side note, if you do get/want snails, there’s a really cute fish that eats them. I would vacuum my gravel and they would come behind me and eat the snails. I’ve heard a couple names for them. Bumblebee Puffers and Pea Puffers. Plus they’re a good community fish in my experience, which isn’t a lot. Anyway, I enjoyed them!

Have fun!
Your pair of angels are very tight in those 20 gallons, I don't know much about planted aquariums but it will all depend on the plants you want to keep, there are low, medium and high requirements plants, I suggest you start with the first two options. You can keep a school of 15 or 20 neons in your planted tank with no problems, just make sure you quarantine them and offer them good water quality, they are a bit delicate fish. Get a kit of the main parameters of water, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates, your nitrogen cycle is completed in that order, I have always added bacteria to my tank when I start a new aquarium, of course it must have biological material in its filtration so that the shelter.
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