New plant ideas?

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Goldfish loach boy

Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 16, 2013
So, this is my 55 gallon tank, and I definitely want more plants for my 55 gallon, I plan on adding a few floating plants, more amazon swords, at least 2 more java ferns, Marimo moss balls, at least one more Anubias nana, and I want a few dwarf sag to cover a bit of the floor
Now here are my questions
1. What are some medium floor plants that won't grow too tall like java ferns or Anubias nana, that would look nice
2. What would be some nice floating plants, I was thinking frog spawn, or even something nice like dwarf lily pads
3. I want some plants for the background and middle ground, but I want some different colored plants, like some red ones, or even if there are some different colored ones what would you recommend?
4. I want to add some anacharis, but I will add API co2 booster, will it melt it? I am worried
So those are the questions I have, and if you guys think something will look nice or if I should change or add something, don't be afraid to say it. I'm up for recommendations.
So here are my stats
I use root tabs
I will use API leaf zone
I will use API co2 booster
I have the lights that came with the hood, but slowly I can buy better lights, but I will only go low-med light
Here are the pics

Red plants generally need a high light, high tech tank, so the only reddish plants you will be able to grow will probably be tiger lotus or crypts.
In my experience dwarf sag is a great foreground, low maintenance plant. You might be able to get away with some moneywort and wisteria for the background.
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