New Serpent/Brittle Star might be lunch...

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 10, 2004
I put a nice burgundy serpent-brittle starfish to my tank today - placed him right on my sand bed and my clown and my yellow tang instantly started pecking at the tips of his legs (feet?). My fish were fed a couple hours earlier and still looked at their new tank mate as a meal.... Will the starfish put up with this, and can the fish do any real damage?
unfortunately i think your star fish will be gone by the time you wake up...just be glad you don't have a crab...and if you do..the starfish will be gone by tonight.. :-(
I have clowns and a tang with serpent and brittle stars. I've never seen my fish ever look twice at the stars. Possibly your fish were just curious. Even if they did manage to take the tips of it's tentacles, they will grow back. Hopefully by now your starfish has moved under rocks or some safe haven in the tank where your fish won't bother him. If not, then you might want to move him to a safer place. I think they can tolerate alot but I believe to much stress will eventually kill it. They usually stay pretty hidden. I only see mine at feeding time and then it's only an arm or two reaching out from behind the rocks to catch food. Good luck with your new star. HTH
I agree, he will be fine. :mrgreen: I have (had until ick breakout) 4 f. percs. 2 dwarf angels, and a royal gramma in a tank with 3 brittles (4 if you count the little one) and at least 1 serpant star. They don't even act like they exist.
I TOTALLY agree about the crabs. I added a beautiful orange Linkia star, and about a week later, I found it one morning with three fatal gashes cut into its legs. My Serpent Star stays hidden and I think could get away quickly if needed. They seem to leave my Chip star alone too, but I was upset over losing the Linkia. I will probably not replace my crabs after they kill each other off (I only have 3 left out of 8), and then I might try another star.

Guess the fish were just curious... no sign of that they are still bothering the star and he seems comfortable under the cover of liverock.

By the way, what type of 'crabs' are you guys talking about (hurting stars)??
Just my opinion but I don't think crabs killed the linkia. They are pretty sensitive stars and will literally melt if everything in the tank is not to their liking. I seen pictures of one do this over the course of a few hours in a friends tank. You said you only had the linkia for a week, sounds like it just never acclimated. My friends star started out with small holes that just kept getting bigger til it's legs fell off. I could be wrong, JMO.
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