New tank am i doing it right?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 25, 2014
Hey everyone, i bought a new fish tank last week 54litres, i had originally just one gold fish but i have added more, a blackmoor and another type of goldfish which is gold/silver/ black, and a couple of leapard danio, they all seem to be doing fine, really just want to know some basic stuff, have been doing some research online but cant find good answers,
Q.1 why is the water not crystal clear, fish poo floating around etc
Q.2 how often should i clean the entire tank, gravel rocks etc

Have you any recommendations on any other fish i could add or remove to make the whole process easier, tips welcomed :)

Ive had goldfish for years and i know they are a messy bunch but this is a big tank that cant be cleaned out like the bowl i am a first timer with big tanks so please be nice, we have to ask questions to learn :fish2:


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You should clean the entire thing every other week. I gravel vacuum every other week and scrub algae every week. The color of your gravel doesn't look the best with the fish. Have you thought of a more natural color? Can you send a picture is the whole tank?
Oh no. 54 liters is not a big tank for goldfish. Sorry to say that but it's not. Goldfish need 20 gallons for 1, and 10 gallons for every goldfish after that if I recall correctly. Do you have a filter? A python?

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Sorry for double post. Did you cycle the tank? Do you have a test kit?

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Yes i thought mixing neon pink and blue would be nice but ive changed my mind about it, not really a fan of it at all, as i said im only starting out :angel:
Ive ordered some stuff from amazon gravel cleaner and decor for the tank, i want to remove them rocks from it all together and replace them with something else, i do have a water filter in it, any other suggestions? :)


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You could add more live plants because just the stones it's kind of boring. If you wanted to get different fish for the tank small tetras would be fine.
Rehome the goldfish, unless you want to just keep one by itself.

Do you know what cycling is? As in the nitrogen cycle?
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