New Tank Ideas

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 30, 2004
Midlands, UK
Hello everyone!

I'm currently in the process of toying with the idea of a new tank. Yes, I think i've got MTS :O

So anyway, heres what I've got planned out so far.

Vol: 29gallon
Heater: 150W and 2x50W(Just in case)
Plants: Silk, lots of bushy ones, or if you've got any suggestions for real plants, i'll give that ago. It would'nt be possible to get a CO2 system so i'm not sure what to go for. I'm looking for a bushy one and a moss mat plant that can cover the whole of the tank floor, maybe hard because of the no gravel vacing, but maybe thats a good thing?
Lighting: 2x25W
Inhabitants: 2xLarge Golden Apple Snails
4xKuhli Loach
3xAfrican Dwarf Frog
1xPleco, any sort, I like Common Pleco's but I think it might get a little big?
More suggestions? I don't like pretty fish, I like the ugly interesting type! Don't get me wrong, pretty fish are interesting too, I just don't like them as much lol)
Substrate: Not sure, so maybe sand to make it easyer for them? What do you think?
Filter: Fluval 404 (I know you can't over filter, but you think I should cut back and go for a 304 or 204? - Or is it the opposite? Do I need more?!)

Anything else I might need? It will be my third tank, so I wan't to get it right.

Hope you can give me some ideas, i'm sort of stuck now.

If you need any more info, or i'm not clear enough just post and i'll be happy to add more!
Look's good, but don't get the common pleco because they can get over a foot long. For lighting you could get some low light plants as it would be 1.7 watts per gallon in your situation. If you do get plants, a sand substrate would be better than gravel. I have a ten gallon planted tank with 1.5 wpg lighting and eco-complete substrate and my plants are OK. Some good low light plants are anubias, crypts, anarchis, and java ferns. HTH.
With a 29 you could use a 204. A 304 would be ample IMO.

You could grow Val., my lighting is way less and it is doing very well for me. You could also grow a medium sized Amazon Sword. Not one that gets huge though. A medium sized sword would make a great centre piece. Crypts would be able to grow in its shadow. Anubias plants look great. Java ferns would do well too as stated above.
Okay, i'll use sand for the substrate, what plants can I have that will create a mat on my floor?

Anyone got any fish ideas?
Echinodorus tenellus. It is a small amazon sword that sends out runners. Mine is doing ok at the moment. But not to the standard I want. The coverage is good but it isn't as deep green as I would like. A nutrient issue I think. My other sword are great however.

Also look at the threads in the planted tank forum. Here is one to start you off.
How about an ugly ole bristlenose pleco (ancistrus)? The males are unusual looking and won't outgrow this tank.


In general carpet plants are only going to cover the bottom in high light, CO2 injected tanks. You can try some Marsilea quadrifolia (aquatic clover) as it does not require as high light. Sand is a wonderful choice for a planted tank. I'll second the vote for crypts and java fern. Hygrophila would also do okay, as would water sprite or wisteria.
:( okay no mat plants then.

Cheers for all the posts.

I've decided on a java fern, a few crypts and maybe one more bushy one, i'll have a look around my LFS too see what 1 i like!
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