New Tank, need Help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 7, 2003
Durham, NC

I had the brilliant idea of setting up a 3 gal planted tank on my desk at work. What I didn't take into account was the fact that the A/C in here keeps us at a balmy 80-something and on the weekends, it goes off. I'm assuming the tank could approach 90 degress.

What, if any, options do I have as far as livestock go? I planned on oto's, a dwarf gourami, maybe rasboras or cardinal tetras and julii's. I'm thinking that this might be a problem.

In a 3g I hope you were only considering one of those fish ;)

90 is pretty warm though. A small tank will get all the way up there I would imagine too.
In a 3g I hope you were only considering one of those fish
Ya, me too.

The only thing i can suggest is get a fan to blow on top of the tank on the weekends. I'm not sure how much that will help, but you could try it.

And I think only the betta is suited for a 3g tank....all other either get too large or need a school, which there isn't room for in a 3g. Or you could try some small shrimp.
The only thing that I can suggest would be a Betta. In addition to Kristens idea, maybe some shrimp and snails? I think small tanks that are planted look really cool with shrimp and snails.
you can have 3 african dwarf frogs and a couple of snails in a 3 gallon and they can go a couple of days without food. but they do like live/frozen food so that would be tough at wrk
I love mystery snails myself, you just have to remember that if you do shrimp or snails you're going to have to feed them separately. Algae wafers or sinking pellets work for the snails. Some parboiled veggies are appreciated also (you could slice thinly, put in a saucer in the microwave for 30 seconds and then bring it to work)
Betta can be a little mean to shrimp sometimes. Small ones may be eaten and larger ones may be see how the betta reacts to them before you leave them over a weekend.
i have a 4 gallon on my desk at work, planted with micro sword and 2 very happy sunburst platties. As far as the temp no help
Snails are actually more sensitive then people think and they can get ammonia and nitrite poisoning so you'd have to watch your parameters closely. You'll know the snails are feeling "ill" when they either hang out at the top all the time or stay on the bottom either completely closed up or half open but not moving around much.
What are your thoughts on using aquarium salt and aquasil? to prevent fungus and ich? Will that harm the plants?
No need to use either in my opinion. I've yet to see positive proof that salt does anything (except in cases of nitrite poisoning , which should never happen). I assume on the second you mean Aquarisol, which is a copper based med. Personally I wouldn't add it, as again I don't see the need. Its like taking an aspirin every day to prevent a headache that may or may not occur. Sure, you may not get the headache, but your stomach may bleed from all the aspirin.
OK. One big change... I visited the office on teh weekend and discovered that they do keep the AC on. So, I'm now assuming the tank will maintain 80 degrees...

With that said, what are my options now for fish? I'd like to get one showcase and a scholl of small a dwarf gourami and either rasboras or cardinal tetras...


IMO a 3 gallon just isn't large enough for any school of fish, even small fish. You could keep a betta or paradise fish, or maybe a dwarf gourami (not sure about that, I haven't ever kept DGs), and then add a snail or shrimp. Careful with the shrimp though, that may or may not work out. My betta ate all the amano shrimp I put in his tank.
otos might be ok, i have two in my five gal, they are great. Another suggestion for fish would be sunset coral dwarf platies, they sell them at petsmart. They only grow 1-1.5 inches long. They might be ok, and they have such dramatic colour too. I saw them in a canadian petsmart last time i was there. I have heard people from the U.S. talking about them on here aswell, so they should have them at american stores. They are very affordable too. I can't find any info on them through yahoo search though, so i can't confirm if petsmart's info was correct. You could always get one of these or two. If you can find endlers at a your LFS then they would be ok, Gambusia(dwarf livebearers) would be good in there too. There are alot of possibilities. I have five three feeder guppies in a 2gal and they have lived for almost a year and a half. They would be fine too.

I hope this helps,

Good luck

Good luck

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