New Tank, sudden arrival

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Fish Head J

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 2, 2006
Our new 40 gallon Freshwater tank has been up and running quite well for about 4 days with 10 new fish. We have been montioring the Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrate levels diligently and changing the water (2 times in 4 days, about 30% each time). We lost our first fish last night (an Orange swordtail- male). He was much less active than the others and largly hung out at the bottom of the tank. We kind of suspected he might not make it. Here is the interesting part however. At the same moment we noticed the dead swordtail, we also noticed a tiny fry (baby Black Molly). The kids of course are so happy to have a teeny, tiny fish in the aquarium. I, on the otherhand, am worried that this little guy doesn't have a prayer of surviving the cycling process or the other fish in the tank (all Mollies and Swordtails). Is there anything i should be doing to increase his chances of survival? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
If you can either get him into a breeder tank or at the least provide him with many hiding spots. More water changes may be in order, your test results will tell you whether that is necessary. Kudos on doing your research and keeping up with testing and water changes. Welcome to AA btw! Feed him smaller crushed up flakes.
Thanks Zagz. He really is a clever little guy. He has already figured out all of the great hiding places and most of the time goes completely unnoticed. He pretty much keeps to the bottom hiding under and in between rocks. How do I know if he is getting food? I think the temp, and pH are good. Ammonia, Nitrires and Nitrate levels are all 0 ppm since the water change last night. We still have a ways to go before the environment is fully established however. I guess we'll just keep on doing what we're doing.
Thanks again!
You may not be able to see him eat, but he will find food. It is amazing how smart fry can be. I am always amazed by their survival skills.
I thought all livebearer fry are born see-through and hardly any color? I've never had fish babies yet BTW :lol: , that I know of. 8O
Mine were born with transparent colors but actually got colors quite defined by 2 weeks at most. It's hilariously cute a little orange and dalmation molly fry in my tank, 4 weeks old now. The others are all dalmation, but for some reason one has orange in her. :?
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