New Tank!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 27, 2010
New Jersey
Picking up my 55 Gallon Long Aquarium tomorrow! I got it for $150.00 including the stand with the cabinets. Can't wait to cycle this thing. But I gotta find room for it first! My room is so small I can barely fit the 29g.

Any ideas? :p
LOL, get rid of your bed. I am out of room in my house with 5 tanks too haha, I feel your pain!

And congrats on your tank! :D
I actually want to make it a planted tank with some Star Grass, and a nice piece of driftwood with other plants. I want the driftwood to have some branches on it so I can grow Flame Moss on it so that it looks like this:
The flame growning skills really are not that hard. Tie it in and let is set to the wood. once it does then it will grow like crazy.

PS. stock up on glowlight tetras....i love them and im sure you will too
Depends on what you tie them with. I would reccomend some cotton string as it will rot eventually but lasts long enough to anchor the plant.

Btw. +1 on the glowlights. Rummynose tetras are really cool too.
I was actually thinking on a school of neons. But I need to refresh my memory on what glowlights look like. Doing that now.
Glofish aren't glowlights, you know that right? Also you can keep more than one species of tetra in there. It doesn't have to be all neons lol.
Oh, Glowlights aren't Glofish lol. I was just saying... And yeah, I know that too. I just have a good amount of fish already, so six neons would be about all I can do.
Oh no, I have a 29g which I plan on transferring to the new tank that I'm picking up today, after I cycle, and scape it. I'm reading that glowlight tetras which are similar in appearance to neons, (I don't know if their personality and habits are any different?) love to eat stargrass, which I can't seem to find anywhere, so I may be just ditching the tetra idea all together now lol.
We are converting our 55 to a tetra tank. Lots of wood and plants. I think you should do it. We have about 70 neons, 7 black neons, 7 glowlights and the swarming looks cool.
I will test the tetras in my 29g with the star grass, If they don't eat it, I will do it. But yeah I'm just trying to fix my own car before I set up this new tank. It's gonna cost about 350 - 400 for everything including the lighting.

5 Bags: Eco Complete Black
2 Nutrafin Natural Plant Systems - Too lazy for DIY :)
Plants + Driftwood
Coralife Freshwater Lights
Black Background x2 (one for my 29g)
2x AquaClear 50s
2x 100 watt submersible heaters

All of this = Another Battle for me, and a Higher Electric bill for my mom :D
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