new tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 16, 2011
Hello again
I am about to get a 55 it 75 gallon tank. I was wondering what you guys thing I should do with it. If u could post pics of fish u thing would thrive in the aquarium. Also the name of the fish.

Well it is all up to you. You could keep about anything you want in that tank, so really if you gave us a stocking list that would be better, there are LITERALLY 100+ fish that can fit in there (not all of them of course) so if you gave us a color preference, where you want to see the fish (top, middle, bottom?), if you want an aggressive or community tank, if you want small, medium, large or all kinds of fish, that could really help us out.
I agree, this is a decision you need to make, based on what YOU like. You can give us some information on what you want and we can give some suggestions. Ie, planted tank, low maintenance, small fish or a few larger ones. You have plenty of real estate to work with.
I like very active fish. I have no particular places I like to see them (top,middle, bottom.) I would like a community tank with medium size fish. I enjoy bright fish red, blue, Orange, etc. I apologise for my first post. Any thing else you need to know please let me know.

I'm going to bang this drum again...... rainbowfish are super cool (although on Top Gears cool wall they would probably make sub-zero imo :ROFLMAO:), really colourful and peaceful as you like. They are my favourite fish, although the barbs are a close second :D
loman1720 said:
I like very active fish. I have no particular places I like to see them (top,middle, bottom.) I would like a community tank with medium size fish. I enjoy bright fish red, blue, Orange, etc. I apologise for my first post. Any thing else you need to know please let me know.


Active + all over the tank + bright colors (red/pink, green, orange, blue) = Glofish :)

My 46 gallon is a peaceful community tank with Glofish and Leopard Danios, Red Eye and Neon Tetras, Otos, Panda Corys, a bunch of shrimp and a Bolivian Ram as my centerpiece fish.

I personally like filling out all levels of my tank so there is activity everywhere. Fish like Danios (Glofish) are all over but mostly spend their time at the top, most Tetras school at mid-level, and fish like Corys are bottom dwellers. That way, there's always something going on in each area of the tank.

Out of curiosity, how are you going to cycle the tank? Check out the link in my signature for some info- ;-)
I plan on cycling my tank with some zebra danios. And some gravel from my 30 gallon that has been set up for 2 years. Is there any way you could put up some pictures of some of the fish u listed. The reason I have asked this question is I'm tired of the ordinary fish you see at pet-co, pet smart, ect.
Here's a good way to see the fish people suggest-

Also, if you cycle the tank properly (it doesn't have to be fishless), you do not need to use Zebra Danios for that purpose. Perform water changes as needed to keep toxins as low as possible until the tank cycles, and you can add the fish you want to keep instead of sacrificing others for the sake of cycling your tank. Here's a guide that can help you with that-
I plan on cycling my tank with some zebra danios. And some gravel from my 30 gallon that has been set up for 2 years. Is there any way you could put up some pictures of some of the fish u listed. The reason I have asked this question is I'm tired of the ordinary fish you see at pet-co, pet smart, ect.

Why are you cycling with zebra danios? It is much better to do a fishless cycle unless you are positive that the gravel is well seeded and your filter media is very good. The only time I would do a fish-in cycle is if it is in a big tank and it's a super small bioload and everything has been well-seeded. I am doing a fish-in cycle for my forty for a month with a honey gourami but am seeding as much media as I can before I try it, as in buying sponges and mesh bags from the store and seeding a lot of them.
So I should just put some gravel from my tank now in my 55? And let it star cycling?
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Yeah, I don't want to get us too far off topic, but sacrificing Zebra Danios or feeder fish to cycle a tank is kind of an old-school technique which is usually frowned upon. There are plenty of other humane and more efficient options. If you go fishless, you can use a bottle of pure ammonia, frozen shrimp or fish food to basically simulate having fish in your tank (it's all in the guide I linked). You can obviously do a fish in cycle, it's just suggested you do it in a humane fashion with plenty of water changes to keep ammonia and nitrIte levels down so the fish don't suffer in order to cycle your tank. Fish-in cycling can take longer and is more work for you. I recommend reading up on the two options and deciding what you think is best :)
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Thank you for that guide on fishless cycle. See I cycled my 30 with tiger barbs. I (at the time) did not know about a fishless cycle, and that worked great.
loman1720 said:
Thank you for that guide on fishless cycle. See I cycled my 30 with tiger barbs. I (at the time) did not know about a fishless cycle, and that worked great.

Right, a tank will always cycle...but IMO it's our responsibility as their caretakers to keep them healthy and not suffering during the process. No matter what you decide, make sure you pick up a quality test kit like an API master kit so you can monitor your levels accurately.

If you decide to go fishless, I'll be happy to help all I can if there's info the guide doesn't cover. Since you have seeded media, you should be able to get it cycled really quickly.

If you decide to add fish initially, just make sure you always have a bucket nearby to do water changes as needed (sometimes every day) to keep the toxins as low as possible...preferably below .25 IMO.
Thank you so much mate. I am now set I will do a fishless cycle with the substrate I have now. :)

loman1720 said:
Thank you so much mate. I am now set I will do a fishless cycle with the substrate I have now. :)


Awesome decision, you'll be happy you made it :). If you have any questions you can post them here or on the guide thread. I'll be happy to help (the fishless cycle thing is kinda what I do here, lol).

Are you in the UK? I assume from the "cheers" you're across the pond. If so, pure ammo can be a bit tougher to find...but I know there's a brand called Jeyes Clean-off or something like that many members can find in hardware stores.
Lol. No mate I'm from the land down under:) but I live in the USA Florida.
Good deal :). Ace Hardware is your best bet to find it, but there are tons of brands and places to get what you need. Just make sure it's surfactants, no perfumes, no dyes, no detergents, etc...just a bottle of ammonia.

If all else fails, you can always buy a bag of frozen shrimp and drop a couple of them in the tank. As they decay they will release ammonia.

As for what to do with the rest of the shrimp...well, you know the joke I'm heading towards, haha! Keep us updated and feel free to ask questions :)
I might like to do just the shrimp. I hate using chemical of any type so what do u think about that?
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