New tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 16, 2012
I have a 2.5 tank I setup on Saturday I let it run till Tuesday then added a platy and some good bacteria. At the time of the add the ph was 7 and 0 on everything else. I am using a API test kit. I just tested the water and got 6.4 ph and 0 on everything else. I don't know why the ph dropped I added some neutral reg to get it back up. Is this normal?


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Please please rehome the platy
It needs 20 gallons of water to be healthy and happy and not stunted
Driftwood can drop pH if you have any in the tank
Other than that I don't know
It's not really normal I'd say
What is the pH of the tap water? Let a container sit out over night and stir occasionally then test it. As said, 2.5g is too small for a platy. IMO they need 10g minimum. You are now doing a fish in cycle. There is no ammonia now but once it starts to rise your going to have to change water every day to keep it at an acceptable level.
I don't know the ph of my tap water but I will check it tonight. Going to the pet store to looking into getting a 10 gal in the next few weeks will keep everyone posted on that.
Ok so I retested my ph it is back to 7.0. Also tested my tap water and to my surprise it is right at 7.6. I tested it twice to make sure I was getting a accurate Reading. So any idea on why it keeps falling in my aquarium?
Ok so I retested my ph it is back to 7.0. Also tested my tap water and to my surprise it is right at 7.6. I tested it twice to make sure I was getting a accurate Reading. So any idea on why it keeps falling in my aquarium?

Did you let the water sit out for 24 hours before checking it? Sometimes the PH straight out of the tap differs from the PH after it gasses out. For example, the PH out of my tap is 8.4, but after it degasses it falls to about 7.2 which is what my aquarium PH is. Don't bother with the PH regulators; they'll cause more fluxuations which isn't good for the fish.

I just learned about cycling but I already have fish. What now?!
I check the ph 4 hours after pouring it. I still have it siting in my kitchen so I will check again in 24 hours. Also I have checked my ph this morning and it is back down to 6.8 so idk if it stays there I will leave it be since 6.8 isn't that far off and I don't wanna stress my fish.
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