New Tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 27, 2003
i've just found out i'm getting a new 4' fish tank and would love to keep a pair of convicts i've done a bit of reserch on them and i'm a bit put off with the amount of babys they have, is there a way to stop them?
I love convicts! They might not even have babies!
I find it basically impossible to breed fish, and when they do, impossible to raise them!
So hopefully they might just cull themselves off!
Other than that, you could try removing the eggs before they hatch?
Anyway, i have no idea!
do you keep convicts? they seem to be great fish to keep i also thinking about an oscer but i think they may get to big for this tank
thank for that i really think thats what i want
No, i cant keep convicts because i dont have enough money to hav more than a 10 gallon, :( But i would like to in the future... :lol:
oH and you could ask you LFS that if the convicts reproduce, if you can give the fry to the shop, or sell them to them cheaply.
well i have asked them but they have a cichlid breeder already so there not botherd, i think i'll hold off on the aggressive fish for a bit as i don't think the kids are to impressed with all the fighting :(

but thanks anyway
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