New to Aquariums

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thanks everyone!! i went and looked at some neon tetras and many other tetras... they are very nice!!! hopefully they will all mingle!!!
aqua........ im still loving the endlers...... and want them for my new tank when I get it.... i saw some "fancy guppies" today.... their very cool looking as well... holy god........ fish are awesome! cant wait to have at least one "cycled" tank.....
Hey read your article and also love the honesty need some help can u please comment on my posts message for all
oscar, what thread are you looking for comments? i will checkit... im still new to this but will give you the best advice I can based on the info I have learned in the last 12 days
i did view your threads... but none of the names matched "Message for all" im new to forums as well so bare with me.. what is the name of the thread you need advice on
Just an update

Hello all,

its been a while since I have been on. The original 5G tank is now back in action and cycling. I have also been working on a 20G long and it finally is stating to have some good readings... was 2 ppm ammonia yesterday and today its down to .25ppm with trites now at 5 ppm and trates at 10 ppm. So I am almost there to being able to add fish.. yay! Been working on building a stand along my wall to support a 125G and 2 20 G longs just below. had to keep myself occupied while I wait for the cycle. :) the new stand is 8 ft long and 4.5' high. its almost done. its all framed out just need to purchase some nice maple or something to make it look good. then its on to buying tanks, canister filter, lights for plants etc....... you know all the fun stuff!!

anyway thanks again to all for the advice you have given me during my learning process!!!

You are well on your way to becoming a pro. Glad to hear all is well.
Yay!!! You've got MTS! You're really getting into the hobby and doing very very good! Keep us updated on everything, because I want to see how your tanks turn out:)
I think i am fully cycled!!!!!! :) you be the judge

8/24/2011 7.4 0 ppm 0 ppm 0 ppm 25% added real plants. Onion and sword 8/27/2011 7.4 .25 ppm 0 ppm 0 ppm 25% planted betta bulbs 8/31/2011 7.4 2 ppm 0 ppm 0 ppm 0.00% 9/4/2011 7.4 2 ppm 0 ppm 0 ppm 0.00% 9/8/2011 8 4 ppm 1 ppm 1 ppm 0.00% cycle is on its way!! :) 9/9/2011 7.4 4 ppm 5 ppm 5 ppm 25.00% 9/10/2011 7.4 2 ppm 1 ppm 5 ppm 0.00% 9/13/2011 7.4 .25 ppm 5 ppm 10 ppm 0.00% oh yeah! Look at that ammonia level 9/15/2011 7.4 .25ppm 5ppm 10ppm 25.00% trimmed sword plants 2 dead leaves 9/19/2011 7.4 .25ppm 0ppm 0ppm 0.00% think im cycled!!!!!! :)
That didnt work out how I wanted... after the date is PH, Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates. this is the last several weeks...... not the entire process.
On 9/19 it says (if I"m reading correctly): 7.4 PH, .25 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate? Is that right? The nitrite going down to 0 from 5 is very good. The ammonia ideally would be 0 in a fully cycled tank (how high are you dosing ammonia?), but where are the nitrAtes? There should be nitrates in there. :) I think you're close, not quite there yet though. I'd keep testing for at least a few days and make sure nitrite stays at 0 and ammonia should go down to 0 and you should have nitrate. Keep us posted.
Im thinking I didnt shake it.... well at least im hoping... This time I DEF shook it for a full min.. lol
hmmmmmmm.... still coming up with 0 on nitrates.... hmmmmmm i guess i spike it back to 2ppm of ammonia again...and see what happens
Oh, if you have live plants in the tank then yes that could be it. :) Just to be sure, bang bottle #2 on a table or something while you're shaking the heck out of it. There's a reagent powder in there that tends to clump up. If it's still 0, then that's probably accurate since there are live plants in the tank. I'd redose ammonia for a few more days and make sure nitrite and ammonia are at 0. It's almost fishy time!
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