New to breeding Platies

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 7, 2011
North Las Vegas, NV
I'm new to breeding plates and I know they're very similar to Molly Breeding, which I'm very familiar with. I have 5 female mollies in rotation... Every 6 wks or so...
My male Molly got a girlfriend for Christmas... Her name is Trixie.. (seemed fitting for a mate) ;-)
He's very gentle with her and doesn't chase her... They follow each other around and nudge each other... They are very playful and he initiates mating very gently. She'll stop and face him and he just stares at her and then one of them glides off or he bumps her and swims away... It's really sweet.. He's a lover :)
Very unlike my male molly who's a PIG and demanding! Even my male juvie mollies in my grow out tank are pigs... Those little guys poke anything female that passes! LOL

So, advice? Will I be able to actually see the babies inside her cause she's so see thru? Theyre both Gold Twinbar Platys.

I know live bearers are best kept in 3:1 But these guys seem to be good. (so far) if He starts stressing her I'll make other arrangements and move one to another tank, but all is well for now..
Wait.... What is this thread about? Haha it seems like you alredy know how to breed live bearers pretty well...
Nu-Nu the eel said:
Wait.... What is this thread about? Haha it seems like you alredy know how to breed live bearers pretty well...

Well just making sure I'm not missing anything... Except they're platies and not mollies...
If that's it I'm set and just hope those two keep themselves peaceful and under control..: they're SOOOOO cute together!
Well platys eat their young I don't know if you knew that or Molly's do that too. Have to separate once born. Does sound like you got it all under control.
Fishie said:
Well platys eat their young I don't know if you knew that or Molly's do that too. Have to separate once born. Does sound like you got it all under control.

As far as I know all live bearers do...
I either move my huge squares female to a 10g and remove her after birth or if I miss it and/or don't want to move female, I collect fry out of my main tank. Last week my girl that held for 52 days have birth overnight and I was able to save 44. :)
On the flip side of things I've completely missed a few births and lost all babies and once only saved one...
Oh ok just making sure you knew. Didn't know mollys eat their baby's too. I think all livebearers do like you said.
Fishie said:
Oh ok just making sure you knew. Didn't know mollys eat their baby's too. I think all livebearers do like you said.

Well... Two of my mollies doesn't eat their babies, one will sometimes and a few will munch whoever whenever... So it's a toss up when I go to sleep at night... Haha... Thank God for my Colosseum in my unplanted tank... I find them hunkered in there, around/in plastic plants, and along the gravel line... Occasionally there will be a few in a top corner.
I'm just so excited about the platy because she's different than my usual mollies.
I breed mollies platys guppies angels etc and found out of the livebearers, the mollies are the best at NOT eating their fry. Guppies and platties eat them without any hesitation.
When i bred my weird as it is..i played tropical music that thunders occasionally. Online somewhere it said they breed in tropical storms. And it said u can play tropical rain forest music and turn a light on and off resembling the lightening. That's what i did.
I breed mollies platys guppies angels etc and found out of the livebearers, the mollies are the best at NOT eating their fry. Guppies and platties eat them without any hesitation.
My female platies seem relatively uninterested in the fry, although they will chase them around a bit. I have seen my female platies eat a couple of their fry, however. It is usually while I have just fed them - when they are in a feeding frenzy. My dwarf gourami, on the other hand, always has one eye on the little guys and tries to sneak up on them, but they are pretty quick and are good at hiding in the plants. I have seen my male platy chase them around too.
Here are Meringue & Trixie:
(please excuse Molly Juvie's :) )

View attachment 68304

He's just now showing interest in mating with her after about a week. They've been hanging out, swimming and sleeping together ever since I put her in the tank on 12-24

Trixie gave birth yesterday... Managed to save 7 fry...

View attachment 68305
smileyface9 said:
Congrats on the new fry! :)

Thank you thank you!! I'm sooooo excited! These are my first platy fry! I see you are too on your babies!! :)
Shhhh... We won't tell Meringue they're not his... ;-)

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