new to cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 22, 2014
I have decided to do a 29 gal tall with the cichlids for my son. I have been looking at the ones from the local pet store (petsupermarket) the yellow and blue ones. I do not know much about them except they can be aggressive and territorial. I also know that they like LOTS of hiding places that's about all I know. So I have a few questions.
1. Can I use pool sand as the substrate?
2. How many can I get.
3. How big do these kind get.
4. What kind of cichlids are they.
5. How do I sex them. (should I just get females or males or both).
That seems to be all right now. :thanks:

( I do not have any right now. After doing research we will get some in the near future)
1.) yes
2.) None in a 29. A 4' tank is going to the minimum for mbuna tanks generally due to their size, and their need for territory.
3.) 4-6"
4.) Sounds like yellow labs, and the blue ones could be a number of species. They are both mbuna species from Lake Malawi in Eastern Africa.
5.) Depends on the species, some are sexually dimorphic, some are monomorphic. Also depends on their age. Yellow labs will never show male or female signs short from breeding. You must vent them (checking their sexual organs)
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