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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 23, 2011
St. Louis area, Missouri, USA
Hi, I'm new to this site. In the past I've had a few tank setups and for one reason or another sold or gave away those tanks. I've recently been given a 10g tank and decided to set up a tropical community. After getting it cycled (ph is on the high side but everything else is good) I added a few neon tetras. I have 5 now and added a cory then had a population explosion from the three snails hitched a ride in on some watergrass I added. So, I've read that loaches may be good for cleaning them up but i was really looking to add a couple more corys and some shrimp. Ive also read that chemicals can be quite dangerous and I dont want to hurt the fish I have. Can I put loaches with corys and scrap the shrimp idea? Will my little 10 gallon handle the load of some corys and loachs knowing that both fish do better in groups? Also, my tetras have startes to not school. Atleast not until I visit thw tank. I was wondering if the loaches would keep the little guys together. Any comments/help would be appreciated! Thank you
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