New to planted aquariums

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 16, 2012
Comox, BC, Canada
I am brand new to the concept of planted aquariums. I have had freshwater aquariums for over 30 years but with gravel bottoms and the simple hardy plants like java ferns.
Recently I upgraded a 27 gal saltwater tank to a 110 and my son wants to try the planted with the old tank. For equipment I have;
27 gal (30") tank
Whisper 20-40 filter
Hood with T8 bulb 24" (bulb to be replaced)

My intention is to build a system based on the appropriate low lighting avoiding to CO2 requirements. There will be ample fish to provide the required bioload.

Any advice or reading/viewing links would be appreciated.
Basically you will have only a couple plants that would be suitable. Java Fern, both regualar and Wendilov, Bolbitus (african fern), and any of the Anubia species. All these do best attached to a piece of DW. You could try a couple Crypt Wendtii but I'm not sure that will be enough light light. Plus you still are going to need to pick up a fertilizer like seachem comprehensive to use after weekly water changes.
If you could integrate a double t8 or even a couple daylight cfl's then you wold still be low to mid lighting thus avoiding co2 but yet expanding your plant options.
Well, tank has been up and running for a couple months now. Put in 2 T8 bulbs and all the plants are doing well. With an assortment of tetras, rasboras and mollies the nitrogen balance seems to be spot on. A couple of algae eaters a small catfish and a couple shrimp round out the CUC. However today I found a steal of a deal (I think). The LFS had a 6" Gold Nugget Pleco listed as a spotted for only $19. Oops. If he doesn't play well I'll trade him in at another LFS for a bushy nose or a rhino Pleco.

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