New to starting a tank!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 1, 2011
Right now I'm shopping for a fish tank. Probably about 40+ gallons. And I have several questions regarding new fishtanks. I am experienced in breeding fish and other aspects of taking care of fish, but I never actually started one from scratch.

What I am planning on putting in my tank.

Tiger barbs
(Maybe) Rosy Barbs
Bushy or clown Plecos
Zebra Danios
Clown loaches
And ONE Red tailed shark OR Rainbow shark.

Now I dont know anything about cycling a fish tank or how long it takes, I've just heard of different ways of cycling the fish tank. Such as taking water from an already cycled fish tank and putting it yours, putting rocks or other objects that already were in a cycled tank, Using no fish and just a shrimp from the grocery store, Using no fish and using flake food, Using no fish and frozen brine shrimp, Using very hardy fish such as tiger barbs to start it out.
Oh and if I by a used tank with a used filter would I still have to cycle it?

Also what would be some other fish that would go well in this tank?

Thank you everybody for the help

EDIT: I don't need to know about cycling anymore. Somebody is selling their 60 gallon plus everything to me for 250. Although I still need to know about fish compatibility.

He is giving me:
1 Large Angelfish
1 Cory Catfish
2 Upsidedown Catfish
1 Large Plecotomus
And 5 Yoyo loaches

I need to know what fish will be compatible with my selection and his selection. Im thinking I might have to get rid of the large pleco and both of the upsidedown catfish and the angelfish.

I still want this selection
Tiger barbs
(Maybe) Rosy Barbs
Bushy or clown Plecos
Zebra Danios
Clown loaches
5 Yoyo loaches
Cory Catfish
And ONE Rainbow shark.
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Nice to hear you're getting a tank from another member. (info via PM)

Just keep in mind that the majority of the beneficial bacteria which "cycles" a tank is found in the filter media. If the filter cartridges / sponges / pads / bio-media dry out or go a significant time without an ammonia source...they die and the tank will not be cycled. Just something to keep in mind.

Hopefully the tank you are getting is local, and you have a way to keep all the media wet and get it set up quickly so you can provide the beneficial bacteria an ammonia source.

*I responded here instead of PM's just so the information is out there that dry bacteria = dead bacteria.

Enjoy :)
Nice to hear you're getting a tank from another member. (info via PM)

Just keep in mind that the majority of the beneficial bacteria which "cycles" a tank is found in the filter media. If the filter cartridges / sponges / pads / bio-media dry out or go a significant time without an ammonia source...they die and the tank will not be cycled. Just something to keep in mind.

Hopefully the tank you are getting is local, and you have a way to keep all the media wet and get it set up quickly so you can provide the beneficial bacteria an ammonia source.

*I responded here instead of PM's just so the information is out there that dry bacteria = dead bacteria.

Enjoy :)

Yeah the person I am buying from is local so everything will be alright with the tank, and thank you I am very excited. I just need to know about certain fish compatibility (See edit of first post above)
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