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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 16, 2012
I am looking to set up a Salt water aquarium. I had fresh wanter tanks years ago, But really want to start a saLTwater Fish Only tank for right now. That i think would be best as I start out.

I do not understand a lot about the set up process. I do not even have a tank as of yet. I will be looking at getting something Hopefull at least 100 gallon if not 150... I do hear that the bigger the tank the easier ???? it might be for maintanence,. I am in the Charlotte, NC area . Any inoput would be great. I have done a little research. But just e nough to be dangerous???? HEHE Vinny
I am also in the Charlotte area and I just got my tank off of craigslist. Keep looking and there is bound to be one that fits your needs. I'm also new to the hobby, but I got a book and read a lot of the forums on this website and it has helped out a lot as well. Bulk Reep Supply has some very simple videos that helped as well. Any specific questions this website is very helpful and very knowledgable too.
Best thing to do is read, read, read. The articles here on AA are a good start:
Saltwater - Aquarium Advice

Then figure out what livestock you want to keep. Get a proper tank size to accommodate their needs and go from there.
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