new/used 125 gal

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 17, 2005
Saskatchewan, Canada
Well it is official. I bought the 125 gal tank. Now because it is used, what cleaning should I do to the tank? The current owners still have discus in it and they all seem very healthy, no visible signs of illness. But regardless I want to provide a clean home for the fish once the cycle is done.

On another note, they are giving me a dozen or so electric yellow cichlids that are about 1 1/2 months and 3 months old. Any special food/care things to be careful of? Also I have to set up a tank ASAP. Will they be ok through a cycle if I keep on top of water changes or should I put them in one of my other tanks temporarily while I cycle a 10 gal for now. Tank profiles in my sig.

Thanks in advance.

One last question although I am sure I know the answer. Clown loaches can not be kept in an african cichlid tank, correct? The cichlids will attack them right?
Zagz said:
Well it is official. I bought the 125 gal tank. Now because it is used, what cleaning should I do to the tank? The current owners still have discus in it and they all seem very healthy, no visible signs of illness. But regardless I want to provide a clean home for the fish once the cycle is done.

No worries...if their discus are healthy in it, you can be sure it is safe...discus do not tolerate much. At most, I would give it a rinse in warm water and a very gentle scrub

On another note, they are giving me a dozen or so electric yellow cichlids that are about 1 1/2 months and 3 months old. Any special food/care things to be careful of? Also I have to set up a tank ASAP. Will they be ok through a cycle if I keep on top of water changes or should I put them in one of my other tanks temporarily while I cycle a 10 gal for now. Tank profiles in my sig.

Personally, I would not cycle with them...just house them in another tank for now.

One last question although I am sure I know the answer. Clown loaches can not be kept in an african cichlid tank, correct? The cichlids will attack them right?

I can imagine that someone has managed to pull it off somewhere, but I wouldn't chance it (or bet on the loaches lasting more than 12-24 hours).
I didn't really think the loaches would go in there. LOL, too bad. Thanks for the advice I think I will put the yellow babies in the molly tank. They are less aggressive than the other tank. I am really looking forward to this, and beware everyone, I am going to have a million questions as I go along and decide what kinds of cichlids to put in the tank. But am doing a fishless cycle in the 125 no doubt about it, wouldn't do it any other way.
You can feed them frozen foods; daphnia or bloodworms. Other then that I think flakes and pellets should also work well for them.

Congrats on your 125gal!!! :D
Thanks I am very excited about it. I am thinking about ordering some bio spira rather than doing a fishless cycle.
Zagz said:
Thanks I am very excited about it. I am thinking about ordering some bio spira rather than doing a fishless cycle.

Make sure you specify overnight FedEx or similar...most couriers will take 2-3+ days ar least to get here....and expect to end up paying about $40 for a 3oz packet.
Well hopefully I won't have to worry about it, the cannister filters have the bio balls in them that were in the there to start with. So hopefully the filter media will assist in the tank cycle. Either way I am on day 4 with the fishless cycle on the 20 gal and nitrites are 3.0 ppm and nitrates at 10 ppm already. I don't know if a bigger tank cycles quickly or not, but I have heard they are more stable once they do.
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