[NEWBIE] Cycling Tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 6, 2022
Hey everyone, just had a quick question I know you guys can help me out. I am on day 11 of my Fishless tank cycle, and currently have these readings. 7.8 pH, 0 Ammonia, 0.5 Nitrite, 20-40 Nitrate. I have been at 0 Ammonia for about 3 days now and my Nitrite was at 4-5 about 3 days ago. So my Nitrite has been coming down. My question is, since my Ammonia has been 0 for 3 days do I need to add a dose of ammonia for the bacteria? Or do I just need to wait until my Nitrite reach 0 then dose to make sure cycle is complete?

Thanks everyone, looking forward to your feedback!
Last night my Nitrites went to 0, so I dosed Ammonia to see if my tank was cycled and I had these readings 24 hours later. Ammonia 1.0 Nitrite 2.0 Nitrate 40. So I guess I'll keep dosing Ammonia every few days until I can get that 24hr conversion. I hope I'm thinking correctly....
The only thing I know for sure, I have seen others say on this forum is you need to be able to dose 2ppm ammonia and it be gone in 24 hours. Hope someone else can elaborate on that more for you.
The only thing I know for sure, I have seen others say on this forum is you need to be able to dose 2ppm ammonia and it be gone in 24 hours. Hope someone else can elaborate on that more for you.
If this was a FW tank thats exactly what i would be saying. As its SW? I cant see why it would be different, but ive got caught giving advice i would on FW for SW thats wrong before now, so I just generally keep clear of getting involved in SW advice.
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Ah shoot, I was scrolling through the new posts and not paying enough attention to what forums I'm under. Was curious why no one had answered yet.
How are you cycling the tank? Once nitrites hit 0, then yes, you’ll want a second round of exposure to ammonia to help the bacterial load grow. Just be aware that if you’ve hit 40ppm NO3 after the first round, you’ll like be around 80ppm after the second round. This will require a large, 80-90% water change to get NO3 into check, if not more.

That said, have you added anything to the tank so far? Any clean up crew? Any signs of filamentous algae growing, diatoms, or anything else?
I am using a RODI system, 45 lbs of dry rock & 40 lbs of sand

*Temp 78.4-78.6 on all days
**No water changes just top offs so far
DAY 1: Added whole bottle of Dr. Tims "One & Only" Bacteria & 2 Teaspoons (200 Drops) of Ammonia
DAY 2: pH 7.8, Ammonia 1.0, Nitrite 0-0.25, Nitrate 0
DAY 3: pH 7.8, Ammonia 2.0, Nitrite 0-0.25, Nitrate 0 (Added another 2 teaspoons Ammonia)
DAY 4: pH 7.8, Ammonia 2.0, Nitrite 1.0, Nitrate 20
DAY 5: pH 7.8, Ammonia 1.0, Nitrite 2.0, Nitrate 20
DAY 6: pH 7.8, Ammonia 1.0, Nitrite 2.0, Nitrate 20 (Added another 2 teaspoons Ammonia)
DAY 7: pH 7.8, Ammonia 1.0, Nitrite 5.0, Nitrate 80
DAY 8: pH 7.8, Ammonia 0.5, Nitrite 5.0, Nitrate 80
DAY 9: pH 7.8, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 2.0, Nitrate 40
DAY 10: pH 7.8, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0.5-1.0, Nitrate 40
DAY 11: pH 7.8, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0.25-0.5, Nitrate 40
DAY 12: pH 7.8, Ammonia 0-0.25, Nitrite 0-0.25, Nitrate 20 (Added another 2 teaspoons Ammonia) <----- Was thinking I might be done with the cycle if water read 0 Ammonia & Nitrites in 24 hours
DAY 13: pH 7.8, Ammonia 0.5, Nitrite 1.0-2.0, Nitrate 40 (Installed Canister Filter & Added about 3 gal of water)
DAY 14: pH 7.8, Ammonia 0.25, Nitrite 1.0, Nitrate 40 (Noticed brown spots on sand & a few rocks)
(Noticed I was not performing the API tests correctly) Didn't shake bottle just test tube
DAY 15: pH 8.0, Ammonia 0-0.25, Nitrite 0.5, Nitrate 40
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